Saturday 4 September 2021

Pregnancy Announcement

We have a joyous news to share with everyone today. We are adding a new member to our family and we are going to be parents soon :) We were so happy when we first saw the result from the pregnancy test, but we wanted to be sure so we took multiple tests. 

It was really hard seeing how my wife lost her appetite and experienced morning sickness throughout the day and vomitted out everything that she ate. 

We are finally at 16 weeks of the pregnancy now and anadventure is about to begin for us in the coming months... Now the question left is, do you think we are having a baby boy or girl? 

Sunday 2 May 2021

Cycle to Coney Island

Finally we are putting the two bicycles that we bought from Decathlon to good use today by cycling to Coney Island. Started the trip from our home at Northshore Residences II to Punggol Point Park and to Coney Island before we make a stop at Punggol Container for our dinner. Felt so refreshing to cycle around our estate and breathe in some fresh air. 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

New Bicycles from Decathlon

After moving into our new home, we decided to get ourselves two bicycles so that we could cycle around the neighbourhood since we have a PCN connector just right infront of us. After weeks of research and testing on the bicycles at various places, we decided to shortlist the Rockrider ST 30 26in 6sp Mountain Bike ($225) and Rockrider ST100 27.5in 21sp Sport Bike ($350) from Decathlon. 

Purchase of the two bicycles was a breeze as we just needed to make the purchase via Decathlon's website or through the Decathlon's App on our phone. Furthermore, the bicycles were delivered to us within 2 working days. However, there was one thing which I dislike making such big items purchase online because when they delivered the bicycles to me, it was not in the best condition because the material on my Rockrider ST100 27.5in 21sp Sport Bike was damaged and there was some slight scratches. This is why I always prefer to buy things on the spot and hand carry the items if i was given a choice. 

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Moving into our Northshore Residences Home PART 3

Time to share about the renovation done on our main bedroom and bathroom. Initially we have a headache over how we should position our bed and where should our wardrobe be, and all I could think of was a L-shape wardrobe. After the consultation with Master David Tong, he told us that our bed can only be in a certain area and direction, and now it solves all our worries lol. With that, our ID re-design the layout of where the bed should be and we ended up having a very long wardrobe for our clothes. 

3D drawing of the main bedroom

Can you imagine a man having that many clothes haha. Really glad our ID designed our wardrobe in such a manner. We also have a build in mirror on the left side of the wardrobe and there is even a storage beyond the mirror. 

3D drawing of the main bedroom

So for the bathroom, wifey wanted a louvred door and so we custom made one louvred door for the bathroom, which turns out to be very beautiful as compared to the original bi-fold door. Needless to say, we also removed the sink and toilet bowl and installed our own. We also decided to put in a bathtub too given that our bathroom is pretty long and is able to accomodate one. You know how people always share about how they wanted a bathtub but never really go about it, citing various reasons like it's dangerous or it's not suitable, etc. So, I am really happy that we decided to go for it and not let it be just a dream. Really happy with how the bathroom turns out to be.We even installed a speaker+light in our bathroom so we could listen to music while soaking in the bathtub.

3D drawing of the master bathroom

Alright, that is all for the tour of our home and we hope you like it and it serves as a guide for you on how you want to go about with your own renovation. 

Tuesday 26 January 2021

Moving into our Northshore Residences Home PART 2

Alright, back to sharing about our home again. In my earlier post, I share about how the exterior of our home looks like, and what one would see when they first enter and the "Suggested Study" area, so now let's move on to the rest of our home.

Let's start with the dining area where our dining table and refrigerator will be. Our ID suggested us to go with a long dining table given that we both love to invite friends over and also we love to eat steamboat so we really needed alot of space. Really love the dining table which now serves as an area for me to work when we have to work from home. 


3D drawing of the living room and dining area

Next up we have the living room area where we basically spend the most on any given day, just lying on the sofa or where we use the massage chair after a long day. We opted for this particular design as our TV feature wall because we really like how it looks. Some may think that it is going to be hard when we have to clean it but not at all, because i just need a cloth and my 5 fingers goes right into each gaps lol. Not forgetting the cove lights and recessed lights at the living room area to create different ambience for the home. We also opted for day and night curtains for the living room area because our ID told us that it would look more grand if we opted for curtains instead of blinds. 

We are not doing any reno to bedroom 3 other than putting up air-conditioning, ceiling fan and blinds since we are currently going to reserve this room for our family and friends when they come come over for staycation. 

Moving on to the kitchen and service yard area. We have done up quite alot of renovation here at the kitchen area given that we have relocated the entire stove section to an area you don't normally see at your friend's house since the stove section are usually located side by side the sink area or diagonally across the sink area. We also removed the louvred windows and doors at the kitchen area and replaced it with a glass panel and better quality door instead.


 3D drawing of the kitchen area

Well, for the service yard area, we didn't do anything to it other than removing the manual laundry system which we have to pull the string everytime we need to hang up the clothes or take it down. So for that, we replaced it with the Steigen's Solar Alpha model. The latest Solar Alpha model comes with improved features such as 60°C solar heaters, inbuilt ioniser and dust mite repeller (which is also available with the Solar Ultra model), and it could support up to 50kg of laundry plus it comes with built-in clothes clips as well.


Next up, let's talk about the common toilet. The initial design of the toilet was so bad that we tell ourselves that we really have to revamp it so that it is pleasant to the eyes. Hence, we removed the sink, shower head and toilet bowl. As you know, Northshore Residences BTO comes with Eco-friendly facilities as such even the toilet bowl provided was a Eco-friendly one to encourage water conservation. However, the setback of such product was that the water pressure is lower compared to a regular toilet bowl, and after hearing my friend's experience in using it and having to flush more than twice just to flush down his big business, I knew we have to change it lol. Looking at the before and after pictures, you would understand why we chose to renovate the bathrooms.

3D drawing of the common bathroom

Moving on to bedroom 2, we are also not doing any reno to it other than putting up air-conditioning, ceiling fan and blinds since we are currently going to reserve this room for our bunny, Yoshi. This room also serves as our work area when we have to work from home. 

Okay, I will share about the renovation done for our main bedroom and bathroom on another post.