Tuesday 31 May 2016

Mr Friendly CEO Lance Tay

Today will be our Mr Friendly CEO Lance Tay last day as he steps down as the Chief Executive Officer of Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore. Although I have only joined this company for one year plus but I've seen and personally experience how friendly and real he is as a leader, and not just a boss. Where else can you find a CEO who would offers his subordinates a ride in his car as we head for our complimentary lunch. 

All the best Mr Lance.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Trip to Adventure Cove Sentosa

Woke up feeling so tired but excited because I've everything all packed and ready for the Adventure Cove. Went to pick up mei mei from Ang Mo Kio as we make our way to Sentosa. Decided to drove into Sentosa and park the car at the Beach Station carpark instead of parking at Resort World Sentosa as it's way cheaper.

Yeah we're finally here at the Adventure Cove Sentosa ^_^ Time for some sun, sand and sea lo. I can't wait to laze round and round in the Adventure River and brave the Bluwater Bay before we head to the Big Bucket Treehouse to play the small slides with the kids. I am so happy because we get to snorkel for free at the Rainbow Reef. Hehe this is the first time that I'm snorkeling with dear dear :) Feeling so happy de.

Saturday 28 May 2016

Our Saturdate Movie - X-Men: Apocalypse

Sent the sha gua girlfriend to work in the morning always brings a smile on my face no matter how tired I may be when I get to see how happy she is to be able to eat her favourite beehoon inside the car. Love her so much. 

Went home to take a nap before I left the house to AMK Hub to pay our insurance premiums at NTUC Income. Lalala afterwhich I took the mrt to Novena to be near to the girlfriend while waiting for her to finish her work before we meet up with mei mei. Went to Bugis to have our lunch at Albert Centre hawker centre before we walk around at Bugis. 

So so many Lego but so little time to see them all hehe. Went over to Suntec City to walk around before we decide to make our way home to take the car to Punggol Waterway to have our dinner at Fish&Co. as well as watch the movie X-Men: Apocalypse. So tired because by the time our movie ended, it's already pass 1am..zzZ

The silly girlfriend playing the old school Mario game in the shop

Our yummy yummy dinner

Friday 27 May 2016

Lego Disney series Minifigures

Yeah I am so happy because the Lego Disney series minifigures that myself, Donna and Jeremaine ordered have finally arrived. Finally got my first ever complete set of the Lego series and it's the Disney series. Love the cute little Disney minifigures and I can't wait to see if Lego will continue to come up with the rest of the characters. 

Thursday 19 May 2016

Line Friends - Brown Earphones

Lalala got the girlfriend a new earphones today, and it's the Line Friends Brown earphones. Decided to get it for my sha gua girlfriend after noticing that her current earphones have become faulty. Hope dear dear will like the Line Friends earphones ^_^

Sunday 15 May 2016

Line Friends | Vans Brown and Cony shoes

So happy when I saw from the Line App that there will be a collaboration between Line Friends and Vans, further more they are coming out with a new range of Line Friends shoes for the Line fans here in Singapore. 

So happy that we managed to get 3 pairs of the Brown and Cony shoes hehe. Lalala lalala so happy, though I wish that there are more Line Friends merchandise here in Singapore, but sadly it has gotten lesser and lesser instead. Wished that we can visit the range of Line shops in Korea soon.

Take a look at the photos from the Line website showing the various designs of their shoes :)