Sunday 30 October 2016

Lepin Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarter

Lalala so happy to finally owned the iconic Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarter. Too bad the Lego one is priced too high at SGD$599.90 so I have no choice but to go to the Dark Side and get the Lepin one which is only SGD$119.

So happy that I can finally start to build this beautiful set. Am abit suprised that the girlfriend doesn't know who are the ghostbusters at all. Am I that old? This is such a hit for the 90s kid. I can never forget the ghostbusters song and the iconic Stay Purf that terrorise the city in a cute way haha. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Lepin Green Grocer

Yeah I have the Lepin version of the Lego Green Grocer that has earned the title of "End of Life" alongside with many other Lego Modular sets. With that, the Lego Green Grocer is currently being sold in the market at a high price tag of SGD$1,000+. That itself is way beyond a middle income person like me to purchase so it's either I go Lepin or I go home and sleep through the hopes of owning it. 

With that, i present to you the Lepin Green Grocer :) Managed to get two sets of it; one for myself and one for the colleague. Got it for just SGD$60 from Carousell which is quite a good catch considering it being a bootleg of Lego. Can't wait to open it up and fix it up for display together with my Lego Petshop.

And so after a week of sorting and searching for the parts required to build this beauty, I've finally completed building it. It is such a beauty but it's definitely not worth paying SGD$1,000 for because even if I'm a Lego collector I am against spending that much of money on it.

Time for my Lego animal mascots to pay a visit lo ^_^

Friday 14 October 2016

My mentor Clare's last day

It is an emotional Friday today as we bid farewell to Clare on her last day at Tokio Marine. But like what she said "There's no forever goodbyes" so we'll definitely see you again some day. But I am very affected by her departure even though I wished her all the best in her career. Ever since I joined the company, I've never felt so appreciated for the things I do until Clare came along. Hopefully I will get to work with her again in the near future.