Sunday 17 September 2017


Today is the 第49天 since Ah Ma left us...
Time flies don't you think. It's already 49 days since Ah Ma left us on 31 July 2017. Although it has been some time but the pain of not being able to see Ah Ma around the house is still fresh in most of us. How I wish Ah Ma won't leave us because having her around us really makes a difference... Really sad to open up the photo album and all I can see are just her photos and that is all we have to remember her...
Came over to Ah Gong house in the morning and most of the people are there, especially the "Commando" old auntie who love to command everyone to do things her way and having things her way. I guess that's how things are done in the past hor. 老人说得算 haha
We are burning lots and lots of money for Ah Ma today. Hope Ah Ma will receive all the money that we have been folding during the 49 days and she will have enough to use. I really miss Ah Ma a lot and I really hope she can see all us here at Ah Gong house.