Saturday 28 October 2017

The Family Chalet

The Peh family is having our own chalet and BBQ at D'Resort today. I am so tired from the lack of sleep as the inconsiderate people beside our room are shouting at the top of their voice and turn up the music so loud at 3am. Had less than 5 hours of sleep and I have to head over to NTU Alumni for the Compliance training on FATCA. Tired die me.

After the training, I drove over to Frankel Avenue to pick up our BBQ orders and head back to the chalet to chill the food before we head out for lunch. So so so tired and we made further purchase for tonight's BBQ. I really cannot take it that somebody only knows how to talk big and no action. If you wanna talk big by saying you will contribute then do so and not keep quiet and still expect me to get what you need.

As night falls and everyone start to turn up from 8pm onwards how I wish Ah Ma is still coming over too. If only Ah Ma is still around and never left us at all... 

Went out to get some ice cream after our BBQ