Saturday 20 June 2015

Doggy Swimming Pool

Today we're bringing Yoda and Tessa to the swimming pool for a swim lor ^_^ Today's weather is way too hot so I guess they must be enjoying themselves in the pool. Though I wouldn't say the same for Tessa who always seems to dislike being in the water :p

And so it begins - my boring weekend commence today as the girlfriend is heading back to Malaysia T.T So after sending dear off to Ang Mo Kio MRT, I head back to Kovan to restock on the bedding for Loopie house before going back to pick up Yoda and Tessa.

Once I got home I began turning left and right on my bed hehe. That's what happen when the girlfriend is not beside me to talk to. And so I went opposite to cut my hair short T.T missing her.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Minions Craze

Lalala we're on leave today to have our own mini Ma La steamboat at home and catching a movie later in the afternoon too ^_^ Woke up early in the morning to head to the wet market opposite my house to get all the ingredients that we need before heading back home to prepare the soup.

Yummy Yummy Ma La Steamboat today ^_^

Lalala and so we left the house in the afternoon for dear dear job interview first before our movie. Yeah it's finally time to see the Minions again after the last Despicable Movie. Lalala Bello BaBaBa BaBanana :p

And so I made dear angry today due to me being indecisive :( I really don't like myself sometimes. Me Pa Pa now... ...

Sunday 14 June 2015

The Modern Lifestyle

Yeah I am so happy that the wifi is finally back to normal after a month of disappearance. Who can live without the use of wifi these days when our phones data plan only has like 4GB of data usage per month. I couldn't be more happy when my phone is now able to connect to the wifi instead of using the data which cost a bomb for me. 

I am online again ^_^

But you know what? Although I have wifi back online now, and i have plenty of game console like the Nitendo DS, PSP, PS Vita and PS4 at home, to be honest with you, I can hardly stay home hehe and nobody knows that better than my girlfriend. I have no idea why but I really like to go out for a walk even if it's just for awhile hehe :p

Saturday 13 June 2015

Lazy Saturday

Lalala what a lazy Saturday as we spend the day just lying in bed till pretty late before we eventually head out for our breakfast at the nearby coffeeshop opposite my house. Look at me so Xiu Pong still drink the Slurpee from 7-Eleven. Hehe me and my cute cute girlfriend drinking Slurpee ^_^

Afterwhich we head out for a swim at Sengkang Swimming Complex together ^_^ So happy to be swimming with dear every single time. Feeling so blissful like fish fish swimming in the water so Yi Kai hehe ^_^

Friday 12 June 2015

The gathering with Mei Hui

Well, it's been sometime since we last saw Mei Hui and so we had a little small catching up tonight over dinner at 49 Seats and Lim Kopi session over at Starbucks coffee. It's been awhile since me and dear had our pasta here at 49 Seats too. The Tom Yum pasta is so nice so I have no idea why Mei Hui would think otherwise. Who knows Orchard Road can be so crowded towards the start of the weekends as we couldn't find a decent place for dessert over at 313@Somerset and had to settle for Sarbucks Coffee instead. 

Thanks to Mei Hui for the dinner treat tonight. Catch up soon :)

Thursday 11 June 2015

Revisit to Jurassic World

The time has finally arrived.
Jurassic World is open to visitors 

I have waited so long for the director to film the next Jurassic Park for ages since the last Jurassic Park 3 movie was out since donkey years ago. Boy am i excited for the Jurassic World to finally be out at all major cinemas out there that I actually took one day leave with the girlfriend to watch the movie.

Yeah what makes things even perfect was the purchase of the movie tickets using the Vitality card which save us quite alot on the movie tickets alone. Well, consider the price tag on a single movie ticket in Singapore nowadays as compared to the amount I paid 10 years back :p

Lalala I love the Jurassic World movie so much I wanna watch it again :p Love the excitement and for making me dream that one day Jurassic World may indeed be a reality rather than in the movie, but well of cos minus the part where everyone is literally running for their lives though. Would Dinosaurs one day walk the Planet Earth again? Well, God knows but then nothing is impossible right?

Sunday 7 June 2015

Chillin' @ Sentosa

Lalala went over to Sentosa in the morning to look for dear dear and her family as they check out from the hotel. Had our lunch over at Malaysia Street food court today. Yummy Yummy claypot chicken rice and Hokkien Mee ^_^ Afterwhich we took the tram to tour around the beach area before we left Sentosa for Serangoon Nex mall.

Hehe yummy yummy Chicken Hotpot @ Nex Mall :)