Thursday 11 June 2015

Revisit to Jurassic World

The time has finally arrived.
Jurassic World is open to visitors 

I have waited so long for the director to film the next Jurassic Park for ages since the last Jurassic Park 3 movie was out since donkey years ago. Boy am i excited for the Jurassic World to finally be out at all major cinemas out there that I actually took one day leave with the girlfriend to watch the movie.

Yeah what makes things even perfect was the purchase of the movie tickets using the Vitality card which save us quite alot on the movie tickets alone. Well, consider the price tag on a single movie ticket in Singapore nowadays as compared to the amount I paid 10 years back :p

Lalala I love the Jurassic World movie so much I wanna watch it again :p Love the excitement and for making me dream that one day Jurassic World may indeed be a reality rather than in the movie, but well of cos minus the part where everyone is literally running for their lives though. Would Dinosaurs one day walk the Planet Earth again? Well, God knows but then nothing is impossible right?

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