Sunday 31 July 2016

Mum's 56th Birthday

Happy 56th Birthday to my mum

We're celebrating my mum's birthday today and we're going to Gardens by the Bay together with my Ah Gong, Ah Ma and my aunties. Initially I really do not want to go at all, mainly because I am not someone who put on a mask to entertain the people around me. And I don't even want to witness my brother putting on an act infront of me by being very good to my aunties, my grandparents but not to mum at all. Sometimes I just don't get it.

Finally we are heading out after waiting at home for close to half a day, and the weather is beginning to turn dark. I really don't get why we have to wait till so late before we set off because like my mum, we don't really like to wait at home for no reasons at all. And now they want to set off when the sky is dark. Time to be the GPS for my auntie as we set off in my ah gong car and my auntie car. 

We're finally here at Gardens by the Bay and the entrance to the carpark is crazy as the queue lined up all the way to the main road. Can you imagine because of the Singapore Garden Festival there are so many people here today. 

So happy to see the smile on my Ah Gong and Ah Ma as we push them around Gardens by the Bay. Sometimes you just wished that time can be stopped and they can forever stay happy and healthy.

Me and my Ah Gong :)

My Ah Gong and Ah Ma

And so after braving through the heavy down pour and crazy crowd, we're heading out for our dinner now. Head over to the hawker at Chinatown Complex to have our dinner which consists of the Claypot Chicken Rice, steam fish, etc. Really beh tahan when my aunties kept asking my brother to eat more when he is already so big size (-_-") Finally we can go home now. Went to Hougang Mall to get a small cake for my mum lalala

Time to celebrate my mum's birthday together with Tessa hehe :) Happy Birthday to mummy again.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Jacob's 31st Birthday

We're celebrating my buddy Jacob's 31st birthday tonight and I'm glad we're able to make him smile for abit since he's been feeling rather low lately, especially on the day of his birthday which would reminds him of his mother.

Met up with the rest of the crew as we gave a little surprise to Jacob as Ai Ping brought him there after their dinner. Had some drinks and chat through the night about the things we used to do when we were once "young". Can't believe we spend so many hours here till 2am before we call it a day :) 

Thursday 21 July 2016

Finally wifi is back

Finally I can update our love love blog again. Been missing in action for more than a month after the house's wifi was down. If I'm the one making the payment, I'm sure such an issue won't even happen at all.

Been so tired from work these few days after the start of the intense investigation as I strained my eyes by staring at the computer throughout the day. Gosh, I need a break. Anything at all... 

Felt so happy that the girlfriend is coming down to wait for me to finish work before we walk over to Chinatown to have our dinner.

Lalala we're having our favourite Tiong Bahru Chicken Rice today. It's been so long since we came here for dinner ever since the girlfriend started working late at her new work place. So tired that we head straight home after having our dinner. zzZ...