Saturday 26 November 2016

Yacht Day Out

Yeah finally the day has arrived for us to let our hair down. Felt so tired lately because I've been running and running in the hamster wheel in the corporate world. So happy that we're finally going on a yacht day to the neighboring Lazarus island and we have lots of activities waiting for us today ^_^

Meet up with the gang at Vivo City to have a light breakfast at Toastbox before heading to Cheers to get a few packets of ice before we head over to Marina at Keppel Bay. Yeah time for us to board the beautiful yacht by LeTara Yacht and set off to our destination of the day; the Lazarus Island :) It's our first time going onto a yacht and I'm glad the captain of the day is friendly and informative. And so after about 30 minutes we arrived at the Lazarus Island :)

The Lagoon

Lalala once we set foot at Lazarus Island, we take a stroll along the footpath to go over to the Lagoon which is just 5 minutes walk from the pier. Love the deep blue sea and how most of the island are left untouched by civilization. Have you heard the news lately that all of the residents from St John Island will have to move out from the island? Sometimes I really hope that government can let the residents who wished to continue to live on the island to stay put.

Really treasure the time we had over here just swimming in the sea and canoeing around with the unicorn behind us. Although we were told that the Water Trampoline was damaged by the previous group but we still managed to have so much fun today. I really appreciate the time we had together away from civilization and just relax by the sea.

If you're also climbing the corporate ladder like me and the many people out there, perhaps you wanna consider taking a break too and go on a yacht day out. Maybe consider island hopping to other islands around Singapore such as the Lazarus Island we went to, the St. John's Island, Kusu Island which I been wanting to go, or maybe even Pulau Hantu.

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