Monday 27 February 2017

Shuyun & Alvin Wedding

Wedding bells are in the air

It's Alvin and my colleague Shuyun's wedding tonight at Ban Heng Pavilion Restaurant and almost all of us are attending tonight except who were on leave. Congrats to the newly weds and may they be happy and blissful forever ^_^

Sunday 26 February 2017

Ah Ma leg pain pain

Heard from my mum that Ah Ma was hospitalized at Tan Tock Seng Hospital due to the pain on her lower left leg which eventually spread to her knee area. Really can't bear to see her in such pain. What's hurting was when she kept asking about Ah Gong and concerning about him even when she herself is in such pain...

Went to Suntec to wait for the girlfriend to finish her road show before we head over to Plaza Singapura for our dinner and movie. I really don't wanna think of all these things that made me so Fan Nao. I just want Ah Ma to be okay that's all.

Mookata @ Serangoon Gardens

It's time for Mookata

It's been such a long time since the girlfriend and I had a really decent and nice food so we're going to Tom Yum Kungfu for dinner tonight at Serangoon Gardens. Lalala I am so happy today hehe. We parked the car over at Village@Serangoon Gardens and walked over for our dinner. Really appreciate all the time I get to spend with the girlfriend these days. 

Saturday 25 February 2017

Old School Games

A little surprise for the girlfriend today as I got her the Pandora 4s game console which came installed with over 600+ games inside. Now she can play the games that she is good at such as the Street Fighters, King of Fighters, Bomber Man, Mr Mario, Pacman, Puzzle Fighter and many more games that us 90s kids would definitely know. 

Friday 24 February 2017

The Lawyer's last day

It's Amanda last day with us today and I wish her all the best. She's really been a very good help to us, or should I say to my boss because she's been picking up the pieces and putting it together. If it wasn't for her help, I may well still be in the dark on many important information. Really appreciate her help although it's only for a few months.

Hope you enjoyed your stay with us even if it's just a few months :)

Monday 20 February 2017

Home Cooked Food - Golden Fried Rice

It's been such a long time since I cooked for the girlfriend so I think why not I prepare a simple dinner for the girlfriend tonight since I will always be home earlier. Lalala went to the NTUC Fairprice supermarket to get some luncheon meat, eggs and prawns home to cook for the girlfriend. Tonight's simple dinner will be the Golden Fried Rice (黄金虾仁蛋炒饭). Hope dear dear will like the simple home cooked food ^_^

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Our Valentine's Day 2017

Happy Valentine's Day

It's the time of the year again where guys like me will be cracking our heads to think of ways to surprise our life partner on what to give them for Valentine's Day. Although the girlfriend is not someone who will fancy flowers or shiny diamonds but when it comes to February, I'll still think of what I can give her on the 14th February which is Valentine's Day. 

Happy Valentine's Day to the most important person of my life. Thanks for always being there for me and being my sunshine for the past 4 years. 

Had our Valentine's Day dinner over at 5 Star Corner Western Food at Hougang. Nothing fancy but just enjoying what we'll both enjoy for the night :)

Saturday 11 February 2017

Chinese New Year visiting

Lalala it's our annual Chinese New Year gathering to our Peicai Secondary School Chinese teacher 黄老师 house again. Met up with the Yong Ming, Jeanette, Low Wei, Zuan Hui, Chee Siong and Yan Lin as we head up to 黄老师 house. It's really good to see 黄老师 has so many students coming back to visit him year after year :) May he be blessed with forever good health and happiness with his family forever. 

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Home Cooked Food - Salted Egg Chicken & Kang Kong Belacan

Yeah time to cook up a simple feast for the girlfriend tonight when she reach home from work. Lalala I can't wait for us to have our own home so that I can cook for her every time and I will know where all the items are kept because now everything are kept here and there lol. Went to NTUC Fairprice supermarket to buy the Kang Kong and salted eggs home to prepare dinner for the girlfriend. 

First time preparing the Salted Egg Chicken and Kang Kong Belacan so I have to constantly follow the guide from Youtube and Facebook in order to present the final product hehe. Hope the girlfriend will enjoy this simple dinner. 

Friday 3 February 2017

Chinese New Year @ Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore

Happy Chinese New Year. It's my second time celebrating Chinese New Year in Tokio Marine this year ^_^ Prepared two mandarin oranges for the Lion Dance performance later on so that I will enjoy a Huat Huat year in 2017 hehe. 

And so after the Lion Dance performance in the office, it's time for everyone to head up to level 21 for our Company's Chinese New Year celebration where there will be more lion dance performance. The God of Fortune and Pikachu are out celebrating with us this year too hehe. Cheers to a good 2017.

Yeah and it's early release Friday today too so we're heading over to Five Izayaki Bar for a few drinks right after work. Lalala so happy and I can't wait to meet up with the girlfriend later on :)

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Tessa on The Straits Times

Can you imagine browsing through Facebook and you saw a picture of your pet dog on The Straits Times lol. I almost thought I saw wrongly until I went out to take the picture from the living room and haha it's really Tessa on the news right there. Though I don't really get the link between using that picture of Tessa for that piece of news that was posted up. That picture we have of Tessa was for a competition and not quite like what the news was all about plus that photo was so long ago lol.