Friday 3 February 2017

Chinese New Year @ Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore

Happy Chinese New Year. It's my second time celebrating Chinese New Year in Tokio Marine this year ^_^ Prepared two mandarin oranges for the Lion Dance performance later on so that I will enjoy a Huat Huat year in 2017 hehe. 

And so after the Lion Dance performance in the office, it's time for everyone to head up to level 21 for our Company's Chinese New Year celebration where there will be more lion dance performance. The God of Fortune and Pikachu are out celebrating with us this year too hehe. Cheers to a good 2017.

Yeah and it's early release Friday today too so we're heading over to Five Izayaki Bar for a few drinks right after work. Lalala so happy and I can't wait to meet up with the girlfriend later on :)

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