Monday 31 July 2017


Ah Ma left us this morning at 12.45am after battling the Pancreatic Carcinoma cancer for 5 months :(

Felt really devastated because we just left for home and within 30 minutes I received my GuGu's phone call that Ah Ma has left us. Couldn't stop my tears from flowing down at all. I could only remember running over to Ah Ma house and wanted to see her as fast as possible. When I got to Ah Ma house, I just stood beside Ah Ma hoping that somehow she can open her eyes and call out my name again but all that are no longer possible.

Now all that's left are memories of the times we used to have with Ah Ma. And now we have to do all the things to ensure that Ah Ma go off peacefully to a better world where she no longer have to suffer pain and the numerous injections anymore. Left Ah Ma house with a heavy heart taking her identity card and the cause of death certificate issued by the doctor to Hougang Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) to lodge the death certificate. Felt really sad when Ah Ma's identity card was returned to us with a punched hole :(

As most of the people went back home, dear and me stayed behind to look after Ah Ma's body. Dear just sat beside Ah Ma all the way till morning before we went over to Hougang Town Council to apply for the permit to hold the funeral wake below Ah Ma's house for 5 days.

Really couldn't believe that we will no longer hear Ah Ma's voice anymore. Her loud and strong voice when she called our names. "Xiong Xiong ah, Le Jia Ba Beh?" Really couldn't bear for her to leave us. Not so soon at least... There's so much more I wanted to talk to her...

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