Sunday 12 January 2020

Guo Da Li (过大礼)

Today's our Guo Da Li, also known as Chinese betrothal ceremony, and this is the first formal meeting between my family and the wifey's family. We engaged Master David Tong's help on our wedding dates and it includes the date and time for our Guo Da Li, and he's really kind enough to even provide us with the list of items to buy and things to take note of. 

We have been so busy over the past few weeks where we had to travel to Batu Pahat and also to source for the items in Singapore as there are really a lot of items that we have to prepare beforehand. Below are some of the items that we have gotten:

  • A betrothal basket
  • Two pairs of dragon and phoenix candles
  • A red packet bearing the bride price, or Ping Jin
  • 8 cans of pig trotters
  • Hard liquor and wine
  • 26 boxes of Traditional wedding cakes (喜饼) for distribution to family and friends
  • 8 Oranges
  • Jewellery for the bride (四点金)
  • Double happiness stickers
  • A red banner to hang over the door
  • Dried Longan
  • Red Dates

Thanks to my future parents in law because they helped me to get some of the items here so that I do not need to bring everything over from Singapore. I really like the fact that we are following alot of the traditional customs so that we have something to remember when it comes to our wedding :)

Our hotel stay at The Katerina Hotel 

Collected the Traditional wedding cakes (喜饼) from the shop before heading over to the wife's home

 Cousin and my wifey


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