Saturday 31 October 2020

Day 3 of Renovation @ Northshore Residences

Well, there's no renovation done for our home today but we have Mr Ho from FC Family Curtain Enterprise coming over to take the measurements for the curtains and blinds that we are going to do for all our rooms. 

Easy peasy process as Mr Ho was in the business for more than 10 years so the entire measurement taking and selection of materials and colors was really quick :) Can't wait for the curtains and blinds to be up. 

Look at how fast our green beans have sprouted this week lalala. Took a picture of it against the tiles that we have chosen for our bathrooms.

Friday 30 October 2020

Day 2 of Renovation @ Northshore Residences

It's day 2 of the renovation for our future home and we have the technicians from GainCity coming over to fix up the air-con trunking for the whole house. Due to the location of our bedroom 2, it is not a straight forward job to run the aircon trunking from bedroom 2 to bedroom 1 and finally to our masterbed room before it reaches the bathroom. Imagine the entire households from Northshore Residences project have to face this issue for our aircons. 

Behold the before and after photos of our home after the technicians run the aircon trunking for our home.


Trunking starts from Bedroom 2

Trunking from Bedroom 2 to the Living room

Trunking at Dining Area / Living Room

Trunking from the living room to Bedroom 1

Trunking in Bedroom 1

Trunking near to entrance of Bedroom 1

Trunking from Bedroom 1 to Masterbed room

Trunking from Masterbed room to the bathroom
Last stop for the aircon trunking

Yeah, the lights that we have ordered from Chan Huat Lighting has arrived today. Now what's left are the fans that will be coming in the next two weeks :)

Thursday 29 October 2020

Day 1 of Renovation @ Northshore Residences

Finally we are going to kickstart the renovation to our new home after consulting Master David Tong for the auspicious dates to start our renovation. Heng ah because Master David Tong give us the green light to go ahead with the renovation today because we would have to wait for another week. One week matters alot now given the current Covid-19 situation where there are lack of workers and materials everywhere. 

According to Master David Tong, we can start the hacking or drilling within the 2 hours auspicious timing provided by him so here I am with a hammer to kick start the renovation hahaha. 

Really glad to see the contractors laying the cardboards on the floor and doors to protect the tiles and doors before starting the renovation because that is a must if you want to avoid any unnecessary scratches or damage to the existing floor tiles and doors. 

Time to hack down the bi-fold doors and shutter windows from our service yard area because we dislike them that much lol. 

Time to remove the "eco-friendly" toilet bowls with taps above and basin from our common bathroom and masterbedroom because we are getting our own plus we are going to overlay the entire bathroom. Can't wait to see the final result.

And that is all for day 1 of the renovation to our new home :)

Tuesday 27 October 2020

3rd Day of Open Door Ceremony @ Northshore Residences

Today's the third day after our "Open Door Ceremony" so it's time for us to remove the fruits from our home and also to place the pineapple below a tree to allow the prosperity to continue to grow. So happy to see the green beans have sprouted. 

Saturday 24 October 2020

Feng Shui Consultation for BTO @ Northshore Residences

For those who knew us would know that we engaged the service of Master David Tong for our Guo Da Li dates, wedding dates and naturally we have engaged his service for our new home too. We mainly liaised through emails and he was really helpful and quick in his replies which is something I appreciate given our busy schedules. 

During the session, he gave us quite a number of useful insights on Feng Shui and how things should be arranged in our home to generate wealth and health. After the session ended, Master David Tong also sent us a detailed report on his assessment of our home. The report includes the auspicious dates and time of when we should start renovation, our auspicious colours and when are the auspicious dates and time for us to move in. 

What I truely like about his services was that he would always provide us with the additional information since day 1 such as what are the items required and what are the things we need to do for Guo Da Li, what are the Dos and Don'ts in terms of Chinese customs and other insights which I feel are really value added. 

Open Door Ceremony @ Northshore Residences

The day has finally arrived :) We are going to open the doors to our new home today.  

Woke up around 7am in the morning to go opposite my house to buy the required items for the open door ceremony such as the following: 
1. Packet of uncooked rice,
2. A packet of green beans, 
3. A packet of salt, 
4. A container, 
5. Cotton wool, 
6. Red ribbons, 
7. Red plates,
8. Pineapple x1,
9. Apples x5,
10. Oranges x5,
11. Pomegranates x5,
12. Grapes, and
13. Bananas 

Went over to fetch Ah Shen before we head to our future home. Once we arrived at our doorstep, we knocked 3 times on our door before we open the door. Finally it’s our turn to shout “Huat ah” as we rolled the pineapple in :)

Lalala felt so happy because it’s finally our turn to roll the pineapple after waiting for so long. Placed the fruits in the middle of our house and put the green beans in a container filled with cotton wool and water for it to grow. Can't wait to return back 3 days later to see how tall it has grown. 

Took pictures of our new home while it remain untouched by the renovation that we are going to do the following week.
My Study Room or rather Lego Room

Our common toilet

Masterbed room toilet

View from our window

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Key Collection to our new home @ Northshore Residences

We were so happy beyond words when we received the SMS from HDB on 6 October 2020 informing us that the keys to our new home can be collected today. So happy that we could not sleep last night and we had less than 5 hours of sleep haha. Had to woke up super early today because our appointment was the earliest at 8.15am when they started work at 8am. 

Due to Covid-19, HDB put in place safe management measures at the HDB Hub and only flat buyers and flat owners are allowed to enter the premises so please do not bring your whole family down just to collect the keys. 

I love how smooth the entire key collection process was. We first check-in to HDB Hub and have our temperatures taken by the staff. We were then issued with the queue number after scanning our NRIC on the machine. 

After just 15 minutes or so, our numbers are called and we are being attended to by the HDB staff. Friendly Mak Cik attended to us and briefed us on the procedures on how the HDB home loan works or how the fire insurance works. Pretty informative and we even talk about other stuff which I really enjoyed having such casual conversation at times. 

So happy to receive the keys to our new home after waiting for more than 5 years. We can finally say we have our own home le hehe.