Friday 30 October 2020

Day 2 of Renovation @ Northshore Residences

It's day 2 of the renovation for our future home and we have the technicians from GainCity coming over to fix up the air-con trunking for the whole house. Due to the location of our bedroom 2, it is not a straight forward job to run the aircon trunking from bedroom 2 to bedroom 1 and finally to our masterbed room before it reaches the bathroom. Imagine the entire households from Northshore Residences project have to face this issue for our aircons. 

Behold the before and after photos of our home after the technicians run the aircon trunking for our home.


Trunking starts from Bedroom 2

Trunking from Bedroom 2 to the Living room

Trunking at Dining Area / Living Room

Trunking from the living room to Bedroom 1

Trunking in Bedroom 1

Trunking near to entrance of Bedroom 1

Trunking from Bedroom 1 to Masterbed room

Trunking from Masterbed room to the bathroom
Last stop for the aircon trunking

Yeah, the lights that we have ordered from Chan Huat Lighting has arrived today. Now what's left are the fans that will be coming in the next two weeks :)

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