Monday 22 April 2013

Francis + Michelle = 1

I'm entering into a new relationship :) I'm not sure if I'm qualified or am I the One for you but I know I'll never stop trying to be the perfect man for you. Honestly speaking, I am quite optimistic about us getting together even though I know there's ought to be challenges ahead of us. But which relationship won't have their Ups and Downs throughout? Sometimes it's the Ups and Downs that made us who we are, and which direction we want the relationship to move towards.

"The key to succeeding in a relationship is not finding the right person; it's learning to love the person you found."

And so, after knowing Michelle for 7 months since our POS-CS Gathering on 21 Sept 2012, I've decided to bring our relationship to another level. I promise you I'll put in more effort to make things work between us, our friends and our families ^_^

Our trip to the Singapore Zoo

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