Sunday 7 July 2013

AIA Jurong Lake Run 2013

It's the time of the year again where people from all walks of life come together on this very morning for the signature event in the West side of Singapore, the Jurong Lake Run 2013 was organized by AIA Singapore. The Jurong Lake Run for this year consist of three main categories: the 10km Competitive Run, 6km Competitive Run, 3km Community Walk-a-jog, and the new 850m non-Competitive Kids’ Dash
The theme for this year's Jurong Lake Run is "More than just a run" ^_^
To me, it's really more than just a run because it's my first event run with my girlfriend and I'm glad to be able to complete the 6km Competitive Run with her one step at a time. Throughout the run, I only have one thought which is that no matter how tough the road ahead may seem, as long as we run together as one, we're already a winner :)

Managed to spot Samantha with her husband Bernard too ^_^

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