Thursday 31 December 2015

New Year's Eve 2015

It's the last day of 2015 today Yeah!!! ^_^

Majority of us only need to work till perhaps 12.45pm today but not my girlfriend as I waited for her from morning till night time before we get to see each other. Can't wait to see her today. Been lying on my bed since I got back home from work. Took the car and went to fetch dear dear as we head over to Bugis Junction for our dinner at Ajisen. Lalala although we only get to see each other later at night but I'm so happy hehe :)

Walk around Bugis Junction before we head over to Raffles Place and walk all the way to The Promontory @ Marina Bay to wait around till the clock strike 12 midnight and welcome the New Year with a bang of fireworks ^_^

Counting down to 2016 with the girlfriend tonight. I think the year 2015 have been relatively good to me. Got the job that I've always wanted, completed my degree, and creating beautiful memories everyday.

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