Saturday 16 January 2016

Lego 75126 and 75100 First Order Snowspeeder

Finally got my hands on the Lego Microfighter Series 3 First Order Snowspeeder :) And now I'm going to do a Lego review of it in comparison with the Lego 75100 First Order Snowspeeder. Let's take a look at the mini version of the Snowspeeder first. I think it's a rather straight forward build with just 91 pieces which will take just 30 minutes to complete :p

Let's take a look at the front part of the First Order Snowspeeder with the Snowtrooper beside it. I personally look the detailed printing on the Snowtrooper minifigure except that for the microfighters edition, there are some slight difference with the bigger version of the snowspeeder's snowtroopers, which is the fabric kama around the legs. 

And needless to say, the snowtrooper's expression are the standard clone trooper's expression which I think Lego should consider changing it to have more variety of facial expression or colors of different races since the troopers are no longer cloned but trained since young, as you see in the movie Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens where Finn aka FN2187 is introduced as a black Stormtrooper.

Now let's take a look at the rear of the mircrofighter snowspeeder which is rather simple but I love the little orange lego round part which forms the two side pods which you will see the difference between this and the actual snowspeeder set which is more detailed in the sense that it gives you a more realistic feel of it. However, I think the real view of the actual snowspeeder set is pretty dull in color, or maybe I could modify it by using some of the spare Lego parts I have left to make the side pod looks as though its engine are running :)

Finally, let's take a look at the completed set of both the 75126 and 75100 First Order Snowspeeder with the snowtroopers seated comfortably in their ride :)To be honest for these two sets, what I love most are the minifigures which are the snowtroopers and the front stud shooter at the front of the snowspeeder which allows the troopers to fire at any Resistance fighters. However, the bad part of the stud shooter is that we can only angled it vertically and not rotate it to the left or right.

Don't you just love the creativity of Lego where they can create a masterpiece piece of art from Star Wars and even make a smaller version of it to appeal to different target markets. Not sure about you guys but I love it so much. Now, its time to have some fun chasing down the Resistance! Are you with me or are you not? :p

Jacob & Christabell's Housewarming

We're going to Jacob and Christabell's housewarming today. Their house is so big and I just love the classy curtains and wooden dining table. I can't wait to have a place to call home with the girlfriend soon ^_^

Woo.. Jacob's mother is cooking curry chicken and beehoon, and there are buffet in the house today too. Yummy yummy plus their neighbours have not moved in yet so basically we have the entire corridor to ourselves lol.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Simpsons House Lego 71006

Lalala so happy tonight when I see how cute the girlfriend looks when she grabbed The Simpsons House Lego from the shelves when we're at Serangoon Nex Mall. So happy that she can finally have the Lego that she been eyeing for. Can you imagine the reason why she love this Lego set? Hehe it's because of the car garage and the little pink car :) 

I can't wait to see the girlfriend fix up The Simpsons House by herself over the weekends soon.

Sunday 10 January 2016

Lego 75135 and 75038 Jedi Interceptor

I'm really very happy to get my hands on the Lego 75135 Star Wars Jedi Interceptor with Obi-Wan Kenobi as it's pilot and R4-P17 as its astromech droid. I can finally let the two Jedi Knights; Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker fly side by side just like in the Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith where they battle in the skies together before Anakin's fall to the Dark Side. 

Let me take you through the difference between the 75038 Anakin Skywalker Jedi Interceptor and the 75135 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Interceptor now ^_^ Let us take a look at the front view of the two Jedi Interceptor with the Jedi Knight pilots and astromech droids beside it. Don't you just love how things used to be like between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. By the way, the cape that Obi-Wan Kenobi is wearing in the pictures are not from the 75135 set but rather being put on by myself.

For the 75135 Obi-Wan Kenobi minifigure, I look how the facial expression reflects how Obi-Wan Kenobi felt during the battle up in space with Anakin as his R4-P17 astromech droid was being destroyer, both an angry and worried face lol.

And now comes the part where I find the 75135 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Interceptor not as attractive as the 75038 Anakin Skywalker Jedi Interceptor. Notice the way the astromech droids are positioned when they are loaded onto the interceptor? The R2-D2 unit are positioned way into the interceptor that only reveals it's head and the R4-P17 unit are way above which exposed almost half of it's body out. 

To be honest, if you've seen the Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, you will notice that the astromech droids are supposed to be positioned lower which only reveals the head and not having half of it's body being exposed out. Won't that makes the astromech droids prone to blaster attacks?

And finally let us take a final look at the complete set of both the Jedi Interceptors. To be honest, I think the 75135 Jedi Interceptor is nice in terms of colors and the stickers which are pasted on both sides of the wings as compared to the 75038 Jedi Interceptor which makes it more nicer visually. However, the set backs was that the R4-P17 unit are too exposed since it should only reveal the astromech droid's head and that there are no controls or dashboard for Obi-Wan Kenobi to fly the interceptor as compared to Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Interceptor.

Thursday 7 January 2016

My Lego Star Wars Collection

Lalala Lalala initially the girlfriend only gives me a budget of S$100.00 to buy the latest Lego Star Wars but after getting The Ghost Microfighter which is $19.90, I am left with just $80.10 :( Been flipping through the various Lego Star Wars and their price tag to see which are the ones I can buy and the girlfriend actually noticed how funny I am hehe. 

Lalala and so my budget was increased by the girlfriend lalala lalala so happy. Look at what I got for myself in the end. So many Lego Star Wars in the store that I am so spoiled for choice. Hehe so shy shy lo buy so many Lego at a go. 

75137 Carbon Freezing Chamber
75139 Battle on Takodana
75135 Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Interceptor
75126 First Order Snowspeeder

Lalala I shall review them soon ^_^

Saturday 2 January 2016

Lego Microfighters Series 3 - 75127 The Ghost

Yeah Lego's Star Wars Microfighters Series 3 are finally here in Singapore and I can't wait to grab them for myself, but of course with the approval of the girlfriend first since I have so many Lego at home now. I really love the fact that Lego is always able to come up with so many new ideas and ways of creating mini versions of what was actually a big Lego set such as the Millennium Falcon, Imperial Star Destroyer, X-Wing, Tie Fighters etc that have their own unique Microfighters. 

Waited for the girlfriend to off work before we head over to Orchard for a walk and have our dinner at Ayam Penyet. Yummy Yummy food before we go for a walk and the girlfriend got me The Ghost from the Lego Microfighter Series 3, which is seen in the Star Wars: Rebels where Hera Syndulla is the pilot that takes on the Empire ^_^ Hehe I can't wait to open up the box and fix it up :)

Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Happy New Year 2016

It's the first day of 2016 and we're going to have steamboat today lalala. Woke up early in the morning to go to the wet market together with my mum and girlfriend to get the fresh ingredients. Lalala so happy to have our breakfast together too hehe ^_^

And so while the girlfriend is preparing the ingredients at the kitchen, I'm cleaning up Loopie's cage and letting her run around the house like a sot sot little bunny. Hehe love watching the girlfriend preparing the food :) Felt so Xing Fu lalala

Yummy Yummy steamboat with lots of Ho Liao hehe