Sunday 16 June 2013

Double dating

And so after our trip to the River Safari, we head back to Serangoon North to try out the Thai food over at Sakon Thai. In my opinion this place doesn't even stand a chance against Nahkon Kitchen which have a nicer range of dishes to choose from, and it's also more value for money as well. 

I think I have nothing much to say about the food here since it's not really up to the standard given the amount of publicity people are giving it. #Disappointment. Went home to take a quick nap and thereafter I had to wake up to clear off the Organization Development & HR Mgt group assignment.

Met up with the couple for a double date dining at Ayam Penyet over @ Lucky Plaza before our movie of the Men of Steel - Superman along with Jeanette at Cineleisure Orchard.

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