Sunday 6 March 2016

9D8N Trip to Taiwan - Day eight

We have come to the second last day of our Taiwan trip and we're going to the Taipei Zoo to see the two pandas Tuan Tuan (团团) and Yuan Yuan (圆圆), the upside down house (颠倒屋) at Huan Shan 1914 Creative Park (华山1914创意文化园区) before heading back to our hotel. Initially we plan to cover Jay Chou's restaurant too but then due to me falling sick, we decided not to head over.

First Stop: Taipei Zoo
Lalala set off to our first stop of our itinerary today :) Took the metro train from Ximen to Zhongxiao Fuxing station, and transfer to the Wenshan-Neihu Line to Taipei Zoo. What a good weather to be here today, the sun is shining bright and although it's abit hot but then it's still cooling. 

We're finally here at the Taipei Zoo :) Can you believe it, the price of each ticket is just NT60 (S$2.60), this is like so many times cheaper than the price of one ticket to the zoo in Singapore which is S$33 and that is like NT790.

The souvenir shop here do not sell any Lego but then there's a cute Lego Panda here

Emo loner Zebra

The Panda enclosure was quite a disappointment as we are separated by the glass panel, unlike in Singapore where we can see the pandas easier from the raise up platform.

It was our first time to the Taipei Zoo and to be honest I don't really like the layout of the exhibits as well as how the animals are being housed in. I think the Singapore Zoological Gardens are much more interactive and the exhibits are better positioned, plus there's performance too but then the tickets are way cheaper here so...

We were pretty confused when we saw the same animals in two different places. Imagine seeing zebras at the front part of the zoo and zebras again further into the zoo. Was really disappointed that the Gorilla exhibit was under renovation too T.T

Cute little Panda soft toy :)

So happy to have the girlfriend by my side :)

Second Stop: upside down house (颠倒屋) at 华山1914创意文化园区

I think this is the first time ever that I spent less than 2 hours in a zoo but seriously, there isn't much we can do over here too so we decided to head to the upside down house. Lalala took the metro train from Taipei Zoo station to Zhongxiao Fuxing station and transfer one stop to Zhongxiao Xinsheng station (忠孝新生). So once you arrived there, just walk out from Exit 1, continue walking straight until reaching Jinshan Rd intersection. Just cross the intersection and enter the park's main entrance on the right and you'll see lots of different shops and exhibitions.

Really love this place because there are so many exhibitions here today. There's Minions exhibition, the Disney Tsum Tsum exhibition, the Upside Down House and so many more ^_^ If only we were in Taiwan previously to see the Line Friends theme park last year.

So glad that we are able to see the upside down house (颠倒屋) which will only be here from 23 January 2016 to 22 July 2016. The entrance fee per person is only NT199 which is only about SGD$9. As we're here on a Sunday, there's alot of people queuing up for different exhibitions and we actually spent 1 hour 30 mins waiting for our turn to go into the upside down house (颠倒屋). 

Some of the photos we took when we're inside :)

Our tickets to the upside down house (颠倒屋)

I can be my true self beside the girlfriend :)

Look at the long queue behind us waiting to take a photo of this lol.

Really really never regret coming to Huan Shan 1914 Creative Park (华山1914创意文化园区) because there's really alot of things to do over here. To be honest, if given a choice, I would have came here earlier to spend half a day here with the girlfriend :)

Due to my fever and weakish body for the past 2 days, we had to cut short the day and head back to Xi Men Ding area and what's worse was when I have no appetite for anything at all. But then, I'm really happy today :)

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