Saturday 22 April 2017

4D3N Bangkok Trip (Day 2)

Had a very nice hotel breakfast before we set off for our itinerary for the day. Walk over to the Naraya outlet at Central World to get some bags back for the family. I seriously think that Naraya will never run out of style because it's been so many years since I last visit Bangkok and I still think Naraya looks good.

My silly girlfriend doing the iconic posture

First Destination: Erawan Shrine
Lalala after some shopping we walk over to the Erawan Shrine which was a must-go attraction for many Singaporeans like myself who came over here to pray for good wealth and good career progression. Thereafter we took a cab over to our next destination which was quite a challenge as majority of the taxi drivers doesn't seem to have heard about True Love @ Neverland or where Soi Ari Samphan is at all.

Second Destination: True Love @ Neverland (Huskies heaven)
Yeah thank God we managed to flag down a taxi which knows the way to 153 Soi Ari Samphan 2, which is where the True Love @ Neverland is. So happy that we managed to arrive here just in time although there are already lots of people here and we are left with the table top seats but that's okay since we're here for the Huskies and not so much for the food. Paid 350 Baht for one person which comes with a free cake and drink. Hehe we chose the ice cream cake since it's so hot here in Bangkok and the drinks are pretty good too.

If you're paying a visit here do take note that they have made some changes to the service hours where there are only two time slots now. The updated service hours now are Tuesday to Sunday with two separate time slots at 12.30pm and 3.30pm. The 6.00pm time slot for the weekends have been removed. 

So happy that the huskies are being let out now and everyone of us put on the plastic shoe covers for us to cover up our feet to minimize any chance of bacteria being exposed to the huskies.

Lalala we really enjoyed ourselves for that 1 hour of session with the many huskies and the one and only Shih Tzu called Momo. Took so many selfies with the huskies and Momo within that 1 hour session that we really don't want to leave this place at all. Hehe look what the girlfriend decides to bring back with us to Singapore. All the cute flurry huskies are coming back with us hehe.

Lucky we check with the staffs from True Love because they do help to call for the Tuk Tuk for visitors who needed a ride to the nearest Ari MRT station but of course its not free. Can't really remember the price of it but it's not at all expensive so don't worry too much about it.

Third Destination: Chatuchak Weekend Market

Took the train from Ari station to Mo Chit station and from there we took a 5 minutes walk to go to the Chatuchak Weekend Market. It's been so many years since I came here and I am still lost here haha. Luckily we got the google map to help us navigate around the market area to head over to the Pets area so that we can buy some doggie snacks for our two doggies back home. Yeah so happy when we spotted the coconut ice cream stall because we can finally cool ourselves down now. 

The weather was so hot today that we decided to call it a day over at Chatuchak and head over to Big C Supermarket instead to check out all the snacks. We bought so many snacks here to bring back for our colleagues and friends. Head over to Alex's Fashion to test out my tailored shirts to make sure that all the little alterations that was required are noted down by them before the collection. 

The silly girlfriend with our purchases

Time for us to head back to JJ Green which is just next to Chatuchak Weekend market. Took a taxi to head over there and I think its really lucky that I have access to the network because we were nearly taken on a very big detour if it isn't for my google map. That's why its always good to be alert and not take things for granted even when taking the cab. Never assume the taxi drivers to be all honest.

Fourth Destination: JJ Green

I think JJ Green is not my kinda night market because I felt its way too hipster and not many places to walk although we did managed to get some phone covers. I think JJ Green seems to be more suitable for the local youngsters to chill out for some drinks after a long long day. After walking around for just 40 minutes or so we decided to leave the place. Walk out of JJ Green and head over to Talad Neon Downtown Night Market instead.

Fifth Destination: Talad Neon Downtown Night Market

I am so so so happy that we decided to head down here instead because Neon market is way better than Chatuchak and JJ Green. It's so cooling here and we were able to grab the things we want and ate the food we wanted to eat. We are feeling so happy hehe :) 

My favourite Thai milk tea at Twenty1BKK because it's not too sweet at all

Our fantastic dinner here. Look at the size of this seafood platter that cost just 750 Baht (S$31.50)

After shopping and having our late night dinner here, we head back to our hotel and enjoy a nice full body Thai massage at Siam Massage & Spa for just 350 Baht (S$14) per person. 

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