Sunday 23 April 2017

4D3N Bangkok Trip (Day 3)

It's day 3 of our Bangkok trip and we decided to make some changes to our itinerary where our initial plan was to go sightseeing of the various temples followed by having some shark fin and bird nest at Chinatown area. So we decided to just walk over to Siam area and do some shopping instead of traveling all over lol. Lalala it's such a breeze to walk from our hotel all the way to Siam area by using the sky bridge. 

First Destination: Siam Square, Siam Paragon and anything Siam hehe

The crazy traffic

Chill over a nice coffee at Starbucks @ Gaysorn Shopping Centre

Yeah finally after walking for like 15 minutes we arrived at Siam area where there's so many shopping malls here like the Siam Paragon, Siam Discovery centre, Siam Square etc. Awesome place to walk around if you ask me. 

The silly girlfriend with Tom Cruise

When the girlfriend wants to prove that I can't go through the gap at one go T_T

So sad that the Line Village is not open yet and there's no news when it will open too.

The very tasty cheese toast from Say Chiizu Toast is so crispy :)

Hehe us fooling around and making the duck mouth face

My favourite Star Wars but too bad toys here at Bangkok are generally more expensive as compared to Singapore. I think Carousell app and Metro 20% sales are still the best hehe

Us with all the bear family. I really love all the bear soft toys hehe

Second Destination: Rod Fai Night Market 2

Hehe we're going to Rod Fai Night Market 2 again because we felt that's the best place for us to shop for nice food and things to bring back home. Tried this Tom Yum soup with Lobsters which was so heavenly shiok because we finally found a Tom Yum soup with no coconut milk. Love the cheap drinks and many other food here too hehe. 

Third Destination: Talad Neon Downtown Night Market

We're back at the Neon night market for our dinner and some drinks since it's way cooler to have our dinner here and there's lesser crowd too. Really love this place, it's like there's everything we need over here. We even made our own passport holders and a staff pass holder for myself lalala. 

What a coincidence to even meet my ex colleague here in Bangkok. What a small small world :)

Time to tuk tuk back to our hotel

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