Thursday 3 August 2017

Day 4 of Ah Ma Wake

Today will be the last night we have with Ah Ma ...

Haiz.. Everything happened way too sudden. Why did Ah Ma have to leave? Sometimes when no one was looking I will be calling out to Ah Ma when I am beside her, and somehow I really wished that she will respond back to me... Anything at all :(

Felt so tired both physically and mentally. Mainly due to the lack of sleep and constantly moving around to set up the tables and chairs while the other cousins are not doing much until I made some obvious unhappiness. I always think that it doesn't matter if you are the what Zhen Shun or Nei Shun or Wai Shun, we should all help out because ultimately Ah Ma took good care of us when we are all young and we should show her some gratitude :(

Felt so sad...

As if it wasn't disrespectful and a disgrace that my uncle got all his "woman" workers to take photos and videos of Ah Ma's funeral wake and uploaded it to his Facebook account for publicity on how filial he is, and how disgusting his acting was. Now he tried to pick a fight with one of the cousin who decided that he has had enough of all the filming! How disgusting of him to comment that he will get people down to beat my cousin up! I think it's really a disgrace of him. Pui...

Felt really sad that Ah Ma have to see all these unfold infront of her. How sad right when your most doted son use your funeral wake as a marketing tool and thereafter picking a fight with your grandson thinking that he is not in the wrong. Sad. Just sad...

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