Friday 4 August 2017

Day 5 of Ah Ma Wake

I have no idea what got over me today. Maybe I just couldn't keep the frustration inside me anymore. I almost blew my top when we are moving Ah Ma off to begin her journey to another world and those "woman" brought by my that disgusting uncle kept on taking photos and filming us crying throughout the journey from beneath the block all the way to the road. 

Don't these "woman" have any parents at all? Do they not received any parental guidance as a kid that they became who they are now filming other people grandma's funeral all for money? Really felt like pushing them onto the road or shouting at them at the very moment. Felt so Xing Ku inside my chest that I wanted to burst!

I guess when people said you get to see the real and fake people during funeral wake are true. At the age of 32 I have seen more and more fake people around me that I would gladly remove them from my life. Pardon me if I am wrong but I can never smile or talk to people who are fake. Not even when we are relatives. Period. 

Ah Ma...
Ah Ma...

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