Thursday 23 July 2015

The last night shift

Finally my reservist is coming to an end with the last night shift today. Can't wait to get it over and done with after so many days of morning and night shift. I really doubt the efficient level of some of the regulars after multiple shifts with them, though there are some that are really good and deserve a better rank that they are currently getting.

So happy that dear is able to meet me for dinner at Paya Lebar+ before my night shift starts. Lalala dear dear also pass her General Insurance papers le. So Yi Kai for dear dear de ^_^ McDonald's twister fries is finally back and we're having our sinfully fat die meal for dinner today.

Dear Dear so cute de after sending me off to Macpherson MRT and keep turning her head to look at me when I walk away de. How I wish I can don't go tonight and just be with her.

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