Sunday 30 August 2015

Seletar Mall @ Fernvale

It's a wonderful Sunday today. I wish I could wake up every morning with the girlfriend by my side, it'll all be perfect :) Made our way over to the Seletar Mall located at Fernvale for our breakfast at The Coffeebean & Tea Leaf. Seletar Mall in my opinion was a mini mall, well not that the mall was small in size but rather the fact that the design of the mall itself which made lots of shops being cramped up close together which makes walking around abit too close for comfort. Maybe it's just me who prefers a little bit of personal space :p

Ordered the Spicy Tuna Pasta and the Ultimate Breakfast for our breakfast at the Coffeebean & Tea Leaf which comes with a cup of coffee. As we were there pretty late so there was no free-flow of coffee anymore but then again, I shall stick to my one cup to prevent myself from getting caffeine overdose again hehe ^_^

To be honest when the Ultimate Breakfast came and upon my first bite of the scrambled egg, I was left speechless. No, it's not because it taste good but rather it was tasteless. One should never attempt to take a bite of that without the use of the pepper and salt. The sausages was tasteless too. Sadly I think the Ultimate Breakfast only deserve a 4 out of 10 marks. Well, at least the spicy tuna pasta was nicer although it's abit too spicy for anyone with a low tolerance for spicy food.

And so after our breakfast, we went to join in the queue in order to purchase a book titled "The 7 Days". It was a book that show cast the events and people that unite as one during the seven-days State Funeral of the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. There was an exhibition at the location too titled "Memory in Prints". Every picture speaks a thousand words.

Friday 28 August 2015

Star Wars Converge

Lalala I'm a happy man today :) Meet up with dear dear at Bugis after our work as we head over to the hawker centre for our dinner but me Bu Yi Kai because the claypot rice was not open for business today. Hehe today is buy Wan Ju day again lo ^_^ Dear Dear got me 3 more of the Star Wars toys today ^_^

Lalala Yoda, R2-D2 and C3-PO are here to join the group :)

Sunday 23 August 2015

2D1N Staycation @ Hard Rock Hotel Singapore [Part 2]

It's the second day of our little staycation at the Hard Rock Hotel Singapore which also implies our staycation is coming to an end T.T Woke up and went down for a little swim at the swimming pool before we head back to the hotel for our shower before checking out. Lalala hope dear dear enjoy the short staycation for her post birthday celebration though it's only for 2 days.

And so we part ways with Mei hui and Kelvin after we check out of the Hard Rock hotel. Lalala dear dear so good to me de say we're going to Bugis Junction to get the Star Wars Converge since I not been able to find it anywhere for the past few days hehe ^_^ Lalala lalala

Saturday 22 August 2015

2D1N Staycation @ Hard Rock Hotel Singapore [Part 1]

Hehe no lah, we're just going to Sentosa island for our staycation at the Hard Rock Hotel. But hor, we're really leaving the main island so also considered as overseas trip lah hor hehe :p Me and dear woke up early today and head over to Hougang Mall McDonald's for our breakfast before taking the train to Harbourfront MRT Station.

Walk around at Vivo City and stock up on some beers, cup noodles and snacks before we walk over to Sentosa via the Sentosa Boardwalk ^_^ Lalala it's the start of our 2D1N staycation at Hard Rock Hotel. Me and dear head over to the swimming pool for a swim first since we can't check in to the hotel till it's after 3pm. Lalala Lalala I am so happy today ^_^

Love to see dear dear so happy when she is playing in the swimming pool before our hotel check in. Always feel so happy when I see dear dear swimming and playing in the water. Hope dear dear like the little staycation that I planned out for her birthday celebration. And so after we check into our hotel, Meihui and Kelvin soon arrived and we had a little catching up at the comfort of our hotel room :) Lalala the complimentary birthday cake for dear dear has arrived ^_^

Happy Birthday to my dear dear again

After which we head over to JPot @ Vivo City for our dinner ^_^ Yummy Yummy dinner because it's been so long since we last dine in at JPot. I just love steamboat so so much ^_^

Our delicious steamboat dinner @ JPot

And so after lazing around in the hotel room and watching tv with chips and beers, we soon gave in and slowly fell asleep one by one zzzZ...

Thursday 20 August 2015

Dear's 26th Birthday

Happy 26th Birthday to my dearest girlfriend

It's dear's birthday today and although she had to work because today's still part of her month long training with DBS, but we're still gonna be celebrating her birthday today ^_^ Drove the car to fetch dear at Changi Business Park after her training and we made our way over to Plaza Singapura to buy dear dear de present. We're going to the Build-A-Bear Workshop to make a doggie for dear dear's birthday ^_^

Really happy to see dear dear so Yi Kai while she is at the Build-A-Bear Workshop. Our doggie is special because we brought it to life, we chose it, we stuffed it with love, and now we're taking it home with us ^_^
1st Step: We chose our puppy

2nd Step: We brought it to life

Dear Dear waiting for her puppy to be brought to life

3rd Step: We stuff it with love

4th Step: It's time to shower our puppy with love

5th Step: Time to register our puppy

Final Step: Our puppy "Xiao Tissa" is born. Same birthday as dear dear

Lalala second part of dear birthday celebration is our dinner at Dancing Crab @ Orchard Central. Initially wanted to bring dear to the Ocean Restaurant @ Sea Aquarium due to the ambiance because I wanted us to dine in a restaurant with the beautiful fishes around us but dear dear prefer the Dancing Crab because that's what she always prefers and will dine in more happily ^_^ Lalala we ordered two items from the Main Menu since we have a 50% discount from the credit card that Ziying lent us. Delicious Combo Bag #1 that comes with Sri Lankan crab, prawns, clams, potatoes, corn and sausages and Combo Bag #2 that come with prawns, mussels, clams, potatoes, corn and sausages.

Me and my dearest girlfriend <3

Lalala headed back home to introduce our new puppy "Xiao Tissa" to both Yoda and Tessa. New addition to our lovely soft toys at home now lalalu ^_^

Celebrating dear's birthday with Tessa too :)

Saturday 15 August 2015

Birthday Treat for Dear @ TCC

Meeting up with ZiYing over at Novena Square today for our lunch at The Connoisseur Concerto (TCC) as she wants to give dear a treat for her birthday. We ordered so many food today from Ziying's Chicken Nurnberget & King Oyster Mushroom Pasta, to my Opulent Ocean'ghetti and dear's Seafood Aglio Olio. Loving the Mentaiko Seafood Vol-au-vent so much too. Yummy Yummy food ranging from the main to the beverages like my Sparkling Grapefruit Wine to dear's Chocolate of Wealth. Thinking of it makes me hungry all over again too.

After our lunch we bid farewell to ZiYing as we head over to Plaza Singapura for a walk and went over to Orchard ION to get dear dear de work shoes. Hehe I managed to get for myself the Arsenal 2015/16 Jersey too. Feeling so happy that I finally got it after thinking about it for so long.

Lalala head over to IKEA Tampines for a walk and got for myself 2 new flowers and new quilt cover too. Really love walking around at Ikea with dear dear and thinking of when we'll be having a home of our own. 

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Our DIY 麻辣香锅

Yeah I'm so happy tonight because the girlfriend is cooking dinner for me lalala. Got home after a long day at work and the girlfriend is in the kitchen preparing all the ingredients and cooking the 麻辣香锅. Felt very happy when I came home to dear cooking in the kitchen, and she is cooking my favourite 麻辣香锅 for me lalala ^_^

Lalala dear dear is getting better and better at cooking le. The 麻辣香锅 tasted so delicious and it's so spicy. Loving it so much ^_^

Monday 10 August 2015

Celebrating ZiYing Jie Jie Birthday

It's the last day of the long Jubilee Weekend and it's gonna be work again tomorrow. Most people would have frown over it but then I think we should be happy instead because at least it's not Monday tomorrow hehe ^_^

Today we're meeting ZiYing at Somerset to celebrate her birthday in advance for her. Lalala having our delicious lunch over at 49 Seats today. There is lunch promo too as one main and soup of the day was priced at just S$10 ^_^ Time for my Tom Yam Pasta

Our delicious lunch @ 49 Seats

Yeah we're finally trying out the Lady M Confections today. Lalala head over to Lady M and join in the queue that stretch all the way out of the shop. Ordered 3 slices of cakes, and tea for our tea time ^_^

Loving the tea time :) Yummy Yummy

Sunday 9 August 2015

Celebrating SG50 together

Happy 50th Birthday Singapore ^_^

Woke up in a daze and moment of cuteness with the girlfriend rushing me to go prepare so that we can head out early to catch the queue for the free entry to the Art Science Museum at Marina Bay Sands. Yeah!!! It's free rides for all buses and MRT trains today and for the first time ever, nobody needs to flash their EZ Link cards when boarding the public transports ^_^

Upon arrival at the Marina Bay Sands I was so shocked to see so many people already out in the early morning, and that's when I know my free trip to the Art Science Museum may never happen afterall. So after seeing the long queue and weighing the importance of the museum versus the performance by the RSAF Black Knights at the Marina Bay area, we decided to give the museum a pass. Anyway, we can always pay to go for the exhibits but we can never pay to get the RSAF Black Knights to perform for us. 

And so, we made our way over to the Marina Barrage by foot from the Marina Bay Sands which sees us crossing from MBS to Gardens by the Bay, Satay by the Bay and lastly our destination ^_^ The weather was so hot with the scorching sun just right above us. There's a mini bazaar here at the Marina Barrage too selling drinks, doggie items, old 80s snacks etc. Feeling so happy to be out here with dear today wearing our cute LoveSG t-shirt by Denizen ^_^

It was a really awesome performance by the RSAF Black Knights as they soar above the skies. There's no place more perfect than being here with the girlfriend today ^_^ So while we are slowly making our way back, dear just couldn't take her mind off the earlier scene of a family having their chicken rice at the show so we ended up at the Satay by the Bay for our lunch. Well, guess what we're having for lunch haha. Chicken Rice :p

Head over to Suntec City and Marina Square for a walk before we made our way over to the Floating Platform for the National Day Parade (NDP) 2015 show ^_^ Lalala so happy to be here with dear de although the sun was so hot that we are literally sweating non-stop and could really use a cup of ice cold drink. 

Me and my dearest girlfriend :)

Love is letting the girlfriend do up my face :)

Lalala Lalala I was so happy when the NDP finally starts and everyone was cheering and reliving the Singapore's Kallang Wave to the hype of the MC for the night such as Irene Ang. What really touched my heart was when the tribute to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew was put on screen and when everyone was singing together to our Singapore Song "Home". At that very moment, we are not divided by our different races, but instead we're United as one Singapore.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Our Ma La Steamboat - Jubilee Weekend

Yeah it's Saturday and we're going to have Ma La Steamboat for the day ^_^ Head out to the wet market opposite my house to get the ingredients before we have our breakfast at the coffeeshop together with my mum. Went to Hougang KangKar Mall NTUC to get the flower crabs since the crabs here always seems to be so fresh and nice. Lalala time to head back home for the preparation of the delicious Ma La steamboat lo ^_^

My favourite Steamboat :)

So after having our yummy yummy steamboat, me and dear head out to Serangoon Nex Mall for our movie date. Lalala the movie 1965 was so much nicer than the Fantastic 4 on all aspect of it. Really touching and emotional when the end credits was a short tribute to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. When the video where millions of Singaporeans were seen queueing up under the rain during the passing of Mr Lee was put up on the screen, the atmosphere went dead that instant. Everyone became emotional.

Friday 7 August 2015

Our SG50 Jubilee Weekend

Lalala Feeling so happy because I am going out with my dear dear and mummy today to the Art Science Museum. Do you know that the Art Science Museum is going to be free for all Singaporeans and Permanent Resident (PR) of Singapore over the Jubilee Weekend to celebrate Singapore's 50th Birthday.

But to our disappointment the queue to the Art Science Museum was so long that it stretch all the way from the entrance of the museum to the inner part of Marina Bay Sands. The queue was eventually block off by the security guards too for security reasons. And so in the end we had to give up the idea of going to the museum :(

Lalala head over to Bugis to walk walk and look for the t-shirts for us to wear to the NDP but then there's no more T.T Luckily I remember the National Library is having the Little Red Brick Show where there will be lots of creative creations built from Lego ^_^

Sunday 2 August 2015

A Hot Sunday

It's been a rather hot week for me ever since the EuropAce casement aircon inside my bedroom decided to take a break and never wake up despite us pressing the on / off switch repeatedly. To make things worse, the weather have been unbearable with the scorching sun out there raising the temperature in my room, making the fan seems so redundant.

The weather was so hot that we decided to just stay home for the day till the late afternoon. Head over to the Starbucks at Hougang Mall with dear to study for her upcoming General Insurance exam on Tuesday. Jiayou lor my bao bei dear dear ^_^

Subsequently we had our dinner over at Kang Kar Mall. It's been so long since we last had our dinner here, especially with my repeated cravings for Ma La Xiang Guo that we have stop eating at alot of places that we used to dine at.

Saturday 1 August 2015

Happy Saturdate

Lalala although today's main purpose is to head out to Starbucks at Plaza Singapura to let dear prepare for her upcoming General Insurance exam next week but then we still get to eat my favourite Ma La Xiang Guo and catch the Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation too ^_^

Feeling so Yi Kai today lalala. I even got to buy a cup of Earl Grey Milk Tea from Gong Cha to bring into the cinema tonight too. Not forgetting us trying out the Milk Cow ice cream at The Cathay today too. Hehe I felt we ate alot of different food today lalala lalala.

Lalala feeling so happy to be studying with dear and holding hands walking around ^_^ Me hen XingFu ^_^