Saturday 8 August 2015

Our Ma La Steamboat - Jubilee Weekend

Yeah it's Saturday and we're going to have Ma La Steamboat for the day ^_^ Head out to the wet market opposite my house to get the ingredients before we have our breakfast at the coffeeshop together with my mum. Went to Hougang KangKar Mall NTUC to get the flower crabs since the crabs here always seems to be so fresh and nice. Lalala time to head back home for the preparation of the delicious Ma La steamboat lo ^_^

My favourite Steamboat :)

So after having our yummy yummy steamboat, me and dear head out to Serangoon Nex Mall for our movie date. Lalala the movie 1965 was so much nicer than the Fantastic 4 on all aspect of it. Really touching and emotional when the end credits was a short tribute to the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew. When the video where millions of Singaporeans were seen queueing up under the rain during the passing of Mr Lee was put up on the screen, the atmosphere went dead that instant. Everyone became emotional.

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