Friday 23 December 2016

Christmas in the office

Yeah we're having our department's Christmas lunch today at Ash & Char which is just opposite of our office which is great since not much walking is required hehe. Ordered the Chicken Thigh Confit and a nice warm cup of Cappuccino. The food here is just awesomely tasty, especially the char siew that literally smelts in your mouth.

Received a couple of presents from the colleague from the other department, as well as our bosses. To be honest, I kinda miss receiving the Ferrero Rocher chocolates as my annual Christmas presents hehe. 

So basically there are no Christmas gifts exchange in the office for this year as there are way too many colleagues who are on annual leave and there is no one single day where everyone is around for us to do that. Anyway there are so many movements and things that happened recently that I don't have the feel for it either so I guess it doesn't really makes any difference too. How I wish things will be better in time to come. 

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