Saturday 31 December 2016

New Year's Eve

Lalala we have come to the last day of 2016. Can you imagine the year 2016 is coming to an end in a few hours time? Usually towards the end of the year, most of the people will be reviewing their resolution of the year and see if they actually achieve it, but for me I have not set any resolutions except to live everyday like the very last day and enjoy life :) 

It's the cousin Liyuan's wedding today over at Orchard Hotel Singapore and the girlfriend is joining me and the family to attend the wedding lunch. We have attended a number of weddings together as a couple and I can't wait to have a wedding of our own :)

And so after the wedding lunch we drove back home and rest for awhile before heading out with Tessa. Drove to Shaw Tower to park the car so that we can avoid the road closure and traffic congestion over at Esplanade and Marina area. Lalala took Tessa on a walk from Shaw Tower to Connaught Drive where there are stalls selling food and merchandise for today. What a challenge walking Tessa and hiding her in a bag when we had to cross the road via the MRT underpass due to all the road closure tonight. 

So happy to finally reach here after a close to 20 minutes walk due to all the human traffic and road closure. Tessa is so active today too even though we have to constantly carry her up and hid her in the bag whenever we have to walk down the underpass. Lalala enjoying the breeze walk along the Esplanade Park together with the girlfriend and Tessa. Head over to the open field outside the Victoria Theatre @ Concert Hall where there are free movie screening today. Lucky I brought along a picnic mat so we can sit down and enjoy the movie :)

And so after a long walk and movie under the stars, the year 2016 is really coming to an end. So happy to be here with the girlfriend and Tessa today. What a yikai day to be able to relax over here and enjoy the fireworks and not squeeze with majority of the people at the Esplanade or Marina area. 

Happy New Year everyone :)

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