Thursday 20 February 2020

Honeymoon Trip to Australia - Day 3 in Sydney

Third day of our honeymoon here in Sydney and we covered the Sydney Fish Market, Watsons Bay and Bondi beach before we head to the area near our hotel.

I can't stop emphasising on how convenient our hotel is because the light rail convention station is just right beside our hotel 😃 From here we just need to take the light rail train from convention station to fish market station which is just 4 stops away. So happy that we are finally here after hearing friends talk about how amazing the seafood are over here and boy am i amazed by the wide variety of seafood here. 

After having tons of oysters and seafood, we took the light rail back to convention station and took the ferry ride from Pyrmont Bay Wharf which is just 5 minutes walk from our hotel and the station to head over to Watsons Bay to try out the Fish & Chips from Doyles 😋

After our delicious fish & chips, we walked over to The Gap Lookout to look at the beautiful waves around the area. God, i really love Australia.

Lalala after a long walk, we head back to a nearby bus stop to take a straight bus to Bondi Beach. Love how convenient it was to travel around Sydney. This is the first time we see such a beautiful beach because the ones in Singapore are so small. I love how majestic Bondi beach looks and love it when the waves come on shore and hit on our feets when we walk along the beach.

After having a free sun tan at the Bondi beach, we head over to Martin Place to try out the Strawberry & Watermelon cake from Black Star cafe. Awesome cake. Love how refreshing the cake was 😋  Afterwhich we walk around the area and we even try out Indian cuisine from North Indian Cuisine but I don't really like it since I am not a fan of sweet curry.

Had our dinner over at Blue Fish Darling Harbour Sydney where we ordered white wine, 1/2 dozen oysters ($26.50) and a whole baby barramundi cooked in Balinese style with spicy tomato Sambal ($39.50). We really enjoyed our time here in Sydney as we explore the area 😊


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