Friday 14 February 2020

Setting the Bridal Bed (安床)

Call me old fashioned but we are sticking to some of the Chinese Wedding Customs such as Setting the Bridal Bed (安床). Do you know it symbolise bringing good health and fortune to us, the wedding couple and to bless us with lots of children hehe. 

Note that these must be done before our wedding and since our BTO is not ready yet, we had the new bed delivered to my current home. When the bed arrived at my home, the delivery man is to put the frame and mattress in a 'slanted' position against the wall but not leadning against the wall. From here on, we are not supposed to sleep on the bed until today. 

So previously when we engaged Master David Tong, he has already provided us with the auspicious date and time on when we can set the bridal bed. So happy that we got my "gor gor" parents to perform the An Chuang for us where they shift the bed to the intended direction and make the bed with a new set of bed sheet. 

So after that, we have to leae the bed undisturbed by locking up the bridal room till our customary wedding day. 

Can we also stay so cute and loving next time :)

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