Wednesday 10 February 2016

Batu Pahat to Singapore 初三


Got a text message from the girlfriend and we are going back to Singapore instead of go 拜年 due to some drama going on in the morning. And so, we left the hotel to Terminal Bas Ekspres Batu Pahat to try and get the tickets but to no avail so we decided to get a taxi to head to the Larkin terminal which cost us RM180 (SGD$60).

Well, at least we can enjoy the luxury of not squeezing with other people and it's much faster by car too. Though I never get to pass dear's 表姐 son the Transformer toy and the Mediacorp Chinese New Year CD.


Finally we're back to Singapore, the place we call home. Lalala lalala me and dear belong here and not there de mah.

Our Mala Xiang Guo for dinner today :) Feels so good to be in Singapore again.

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