Tuesday 14 March 2017

My Ah Dai Hairstyle

It's been like only 4 weeks since my last haircut and the length of my hair has grown so long that I really look like I am growing wheat grass above my head hahaha. Wanted to have my haircut on Monday but too bad my regular hair stylist at Snip Avenue was on leave so I have to endure for one more day before I can have my haircut. 

Lalala so happy after my hair cut because my hair feels so light now and it doesn't really look like a pile of wheat grass is growing above anymore. Meet up with the girlfriend at Hougang as we walk over to the 5 Star western for dinner. I so love their Hot Plate Mixed Grill with black pepper sauce because it's just so delicious. Yeah I just got to have ice cream for tonight too hehe ^_^

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