Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Eve

Lucky I get to have my half day off like many of the people out there today without any unnecessary hiccup by the management that fail to plan. I wonder do people hear this phrase before: "You plan to fail, if you fail to plan". I personally hate it when people tend to take their own sweet time to do certain things when it can be done way earlier, and best of all, I had to be the one to pick up the pieces on a very last minute notice due to their incompetence. Let's just hope for the best or something positive out of this whole crisis that is coming our way.

Can't wait to meet up with the girlfriend again after all these drama in the office. Lalala went back home as my dear dear girlfriend went to Da Bao the yummy yummy Curry Chicken Beehoon from Raffles Place back to Hougang for me. Xing Ku her de have to travel such a long distance for me. Hehe love her alot alot lalala ^_^

Made our way over to Orchard Road to embrace ourselves in the joy of this year's Christmas. Lalala Dear treat me to the delicious buffet at the Kiseki Japanese Buffet Restaurant tonight. This is my first visit here and I couldn't agree more that Kiseki serves some of the best buffet in town. Everything is kept warm/hot here unlike Todai. Their food also taste much better than Todai, which explains why there was a long long queue stretching from the entrance all the way to the other side. Lalala I am very Yi Kai to get to try out Kiseki ^_^

- The delicious Cray Fish -

Thereafter we head out for a walk around the area after we had our dinner. Really very delicious dinner that I can't stop saying just how nice it was. Lucky dear made an reservation 1 month before so that I can try this. Lalala ^_^

- Us taking selfies together :) -

- I can't help but imagine how would it feel to sink my teeth into these 2 Giant Ferrero Rocher -

I love to spend my time together with the girlfriend because there will always be something we can talk about, joke about and just be crazy about. I like how we always disturb each other and yet so in love with each other. 

I want to work hard for our future. Hopefully I can get the job I want as soon as possible and save up for our future together. Can't wait to have a warm cozy house that we call home. Didn't really get something special for the dear this Christmas other than the fact that I DIY a Lego Heart Shape for dear dear.

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas ^_^

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