Saturday 31 January 2015

Wonderful Saturdate

Lalala it's a beautiful Saturday :) Went out for lunch with the girlfriend over at Serangoon NEX Mall before heading over to Bugis to Bai Bai at the Guan Yin Temple. Really ease the load off my shoulders alot after paying a visit here today with dear :)

The interview for the position of Compliance Executive really bring me much stress with the kind of "requirements" that they have for me. I really can't wait for everything to be done and over with. 

Bu Li Li :( went over to Starbucks at The CentrePoint to do up the remaining portion of my assignment today. Lalala really happy to have dear beside me while I do my assignment and she always do silly things to make me smile too :)

Once again me and dear went to have our nice nice dinner over at Ayam Penyet ^_^ Yummy Yummy dinner for us tonight.

Lalala It's a wonderful Saturday night as I walk around town with dear holding her hands hehe :) We walk around from malls to malls before heading back home to build up the Millennium Falcon that dear got for me lalala :)

Wednesday 21 January 2015

LEGO Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer 75055

I can still remember how happy I am when I got my hands on the LEGO Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer from my girlfriend when we are at LegoLand Malaysia over the weekends. Although there are new product line of new LEGO Star Wars toys this year but then I am just so attracted to the classic Imperial Star Destroyer because to me, I felt that it really represent the Imperial Army alot rather than the new ones that are currently in the market. 

Imagine how excited I am when I finally decide to open up the box containing all the small little LEGO bricks that will soon form into something so majestic and beautiful. Fixing it up piece by piece really gives you a sense of satisfaction when you finally see the end result. I am finally a proud owner of the LEGO Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer. Lalala

Behold the power of the Dark Side

Lalala I finally got my Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer

This is so me. Looking at reports and data entry on a daily basis when I am at work.

I guess Darth Vader and his Imperial Crews need a break too :p

Tuesday 20 January 2015

LEGO Building Toy 40118

Lalala Had so much fun fixing the LEGO Building Toy Storage Box together with my girlfriend after a long day at work. So happy to be able to fix it brick by brick with dear at the comfort of our home and seeing how dear will tend to skip a step from the instruction manual hehe :p

I love this little LEGO creation. Don't you think it's so fascinating that these little bricks of LEGO can form into something so beautiful and yet useful at the same time. It looks so beautiful from every angle too. I can't wait to store all my LEGO spare parts in it. Lalala

- LEGO brings us closer together -

Sunday 18 January 2015

2D1N LegoLand Malaysia and KSL Resort [Part 2]

Humph.. I am Yi Qi with myself for not updating day 2 of our trip until a week later. I have been so tired from work and even though there is only one lesson per week now but I feel so physically and mentally drained. :(

Here goes.
Day 2 of our love love trip to Malaysia ^_^

Woke up as early as possible so that we can make it on time for our breakfast at level 1 of the KSL Resort. Well, I got to admit the food is pretty good over here although my favourite has still got to be Hatten Hotel @ Melaka :p 

And so after having our breakfast and going up for a rest, we head down for a swim at level 7 of the KSL Resort. Lalala so happy to teach dear dear how to swim today. My dear dear is a fast learner considering the fact that she did not even learn how to swim before. Hehe but then dear so cute didn't know that she can open her eyes under the water with her goggles on plus the minute she went underwater she actually blow out all the air from her mouth de hehe :p Dear always knows how to make me smile de from her silly actions ^_^

Lalala it's finally time to check out as we head over to Song Fa Bak Kut Teh (Jalan Keris) ^_^ Ordered my regular Bak Kut Teh for 2, 姜酒鸡 and Assam Fish ^_^ Lalala loving our lunch for the day.

So Yi Shang that our short getaway is coming to an end soon as we are on our way back to Singapore after having our lunch. Me love my dear dear alot alot :) Everyone who saw me taking the big LEGO plastic bags in the MRT seems to be so envy of me lalala. I can't wait to fix up my LEGO Imperial Star Destroyer soon.

Saturday 17 January 2015

2D1N LegoLand Malaysia and KSL Resort [Part 1]

Lalala it's a Bu Ji Ji day today because it's finally time for me and the girlfriend to go on a short trip to Legoland Malaysia and Water Theme Park :) It's been such a long wait and I think we really deserve this well deserved break from all the negative energy around us at work. So excited about the trip for the whole day before we embark hehe. 

Woke up as early as 6.30am today because we intended to head down to the Water Theme Park first till maybe about 2pm before we head over to Legoland Malaysia. It's gonna be a fun filled Saturday for us ^_^

Took a long long journey via the Circle Line (CC) MRT from Serangoon all the way to Buona Vista and transfer from Circle Line (CC) to East West Line (EW) to go to Jurong East MRT Station. Sha Dan dear dear want to go and buy 4D at the nearby shop before we take the bus (CW3/4) which cost us SGD$4 to enter into Tuas Checkpoint.

Yeah we cleared the checkpoints at both Singapore and Malaysia pretty fast today but then what happened after that caught us by surprise. Imagine the looks on our face when the bus conductor informed that the first bus to Legoland Malaysia is at 10am. And yet we still thought we can be there earlier today. Geez..

Our 1st Stop: Legoland Water Park

Fun Fun Fun!!! We had so much fun at the Water Park as compared to Legoland. So happy to see the girlfriend playing with water and going down the slides ^_^ This is way fun than the Adventure Cove at Sentosa Singapore.

Lalala it's time for our next stop to the Legoland :) Feels kinda weird that the Legoland is so quiet today. Where is everyone on a Saturday??? Our first stop to Legoland is to go to the Big Store to see if my Millennium Falcon is on sale here but sadly it is out of stock T.T Imagine my sadness when I couldn't locate it at all. And so, after trying our luck at both the Big Store and the Starwars retail store, we continue on our journey to conquer the remaining rides in the Legoland.

- My beautiful girlfriend -

- The Dino Island -

Well, not much photos of the Legoland this time round since I already took alot photos previously when we're here. It's quite a disappointment on our returned trip here as one of the rides are under maintenance on a Saturday!? There wasn't any crowd this weekend too and the other rides that we didn't get to take the other time was a disappointment too. I guess Legoland suits the children more than the adults. 

But guess what? My dear dear girlfriend got me Lego Starwars from Legoland ^_^ lalala

Hooray!! We are finally here at KSL Resort Hotel for our 2D1N stay. after a 20 minutes taxi journey from Legoland which cost about RM50. Loving the upgrade of our room to one with an extra single bed and it even comes with a bath tub and fantastic view of Johor Bahru too. Loving every moment here at Malaysia today ^_^

Look at how nice and majestic the dinosaurs look at the KSL Dinosaur Park at Level 7 of the KSL Resort here. It's a Dinosaur Park that comes equipped with children pools. Admission to the KSL Dinosaur Park are charged at RM50 for Adults and RM30 for Children aged 5 to 12. I wonder who comes up with such a price tag when the slides here are not really well maintained. Hopefully the management would do something to improve the slides there.

Lalala behold my LEGO Star Wars Imperial Star Destroyer and Micro-fighter Armored Assault Tank (AAT) that comes with a cute Battle Droid in it too ^_^ Thanks to the girlfriend who got these two items for me. I am so loved hehe.

Dear got for herself the LEGO Building Toy storage box

One never leaves Johor Bahru without eating Lok Lok, Abalone Noodle and Wanton Mee ^_^ Lalala I can't wait to sink my mouth into all these delicious food all at once. And so after walking around at KSL Mall, we head over to Taman Garden (Near Shell Petrol Kiosk) to have our regular dishes here. So happy happy.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

McDonald LINE Friends

OMG I am so Happy

In case you haven't heard the greatest news of all for LINE fans here in Singapore. McDonald's is gonna have the LINE Plush Collectibles starting from 5th January 2015 at just SGD$4.90 each with every Extra Value Meal (EVM) purchased. And so for Kiasu people like myself who are afraid of long queues and fear of disappointment, I ordered it online via Well, it's always best to be safe than sorry :p

I just love all the LINE Friends items ranging from their soft toys, to their daily life items like umbrella, plates, towels etc. To me, they are more than just LINE items. To me, they are a symbol of the love me and my girlfriend shared ^_^

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Tessa the Cute Escort

And so, after weeks have passed since the launch of IL, everyone is still not having an easy time at work since there are just way too many issues popping out every few minutes. Sometimes I felt as though I am on-board a sinking ship that is kept afloat with nothing but a little bit of faith. Sigh...

Bring Tessa to fetch the beloved girlfriend from work today. Poor girlfriend had to do overtime due to work today so I brought Tessa along to cheer her up :) Lalala Ah Mao the Cute Escort ^_^

Monday 12 January 2015

Chilli Crab at House of Seafood

It's been awhile since I update our love love blog le ever since the launch of IL by the company which left me really really tired from work by the time we got home. The girlfriend have been down with sickness and we been having dinner with taste level close to zero which pretty much sums up how we been living our life lately. Jeez we need a break. 

And so after seeing that Groupon is having a good deal at House of Seafood, we purchase it without much hesitation. Lalala finally I can bring the beloved girlfriend to eat some nice food :) And so we bought my mum along, as well as the two naughty girls Yoda and Tessa as we set off to House of Seafood at Punggol End. 

Initially I didn't wanna bring the furry kids along but then how can I resist when dear gave me that look. <3 Called up House of Seafood to check and I'm really surprise that they allow customers to bring dogs to their outdoor seats. Lalala I am so happy to be able to spend quality time with the girlfriend and my mum tonight, having a nice dinner over the nice scenery and just enjoy the breeze :) 

Monday 5 January 2015

Can't wait to C u

It's a Bu Li Li day today. I can't wait to see the girlfriend after a long long day at work today but then she got to overtime again due to the scary number of processing that she had to do T.T But nevermind because I am so gonna head down to fetch her today lalala. Can't wait to see her ^_^

I love you so much I just had to see you faster :)

Saturday 3 January 2015

Picnic Saturdate

Lalala today is a very happy Saturday for me even though I am still down with flu and cough. Dear and me are going to bring my mum and the two doggies out for picnic at East Coast Park today :) I was so afraid that it'll rain today that I kept on going in to check on the weather forecast. Sometimes you really wish this kinda "forecast" are as accurate as possible. I really wanna bring dear out to picnic today cos she was so excited and so looking forward to it since last night when we talk about it. 

Took the car as we set off to East Coast Park together with my mum, Tessa, Yoda and Xiao Xiao Brown too lalala :) Managed to settled down at a comfortable area between two huge trees for shelter. Perfect location for us plus it's so windy over here. We are so lucky that there was only a passing rain while we are here else my mum will be so disappointed that she wasn't able to take photos of the beach. 

I like to see how dear dear fly the kite up into the sky as she keeps on running and running to keep it afloat into the sky :) lalala can see that my mum is so happy today too that she can finally come to the beach and enjoy the breeze as she mentioned previously that it's been a long time since her last visit here. I feel so Yi Kai today too ^_^

Xiao Xiao Brown joining us for picnic today

Yoda spending some alone time with Xiao Xiao Brown

Yoda still looking "fresh" before we bring her to walk around

My Mum with Yoda

Help!! My hair are all messed up here

Afterwhich we head back home and dear actually showered for both Tessa and Yoda. Thank you dear dear for helping me to give them their well deserved shower and making them the happiest doggies today. As for me, I went to clean up my naughty Loopie's cage and also clean up both of my fish tanks in the house. Phew I really think that we are living in a mini zoo here at Hougang. Dear even cook dinner for both Tessa and Yoda today too. Xing Ku Xing Ku dear dear le. 

And so before we could even stop to rest, we have to prepare to set off for dinner. Lalala we are bringing my mum out for Zhu Cao at Serangoon North Neighbourhood tonight.

Lalala me so Yi Kai cos I can see that mum really enjoy it alot since she likes Zhu Cao for dinner and she get to head to the beach today. Today is really a very very happy day for all of us.

Friday 2 January 2015

MC Naughty Boy

And so after having the flu for the past few days and having it to evolve into sore throat, aching body and a fever, I had to be on MC today. Sometimes I don't feel like taking MC because people will talk even if we are really sick but then again, I am glad I listen to dear and have a rest at home today cos it really helps in recovering :)

I am a naughty boy today. Although I see the doctor, avoid eating chicken to prevent my cough from worsening, and even drink water chestnut in the hope to recover faster; but then, I ate 2 Ferrero Rocher just because the taste of the medicine made me wanna puke it out. :( Me is a naughty boy. By doing so, how can I recover fast de. 真的是该打 :(

Went out to Plaza Singapura to buy the LEGO Starwars mini figure Darth Vader from the seller through Carousell. Lalala so happy to be able to get it for just SGD$8 and it comes with the light saber as well. It's selling so expensive by many other sellers by as high as SGD$25 to SGD$35 lor... Me so naughty again :( Sick still go out to get this cheap cheap must buy item.

After which I head over to Kaplan to sign the remodule contract (-_-) as well as make the payment for the remodule for Strategic Management. I couldn't believe my eyes when I was handed just a study guide and a note stating that it will be e-book now and no physical text book (-_-") The school is SO smart, by doing so they can say that they are practicing CSR by Going Green, and in actual fact they are saying "You want a text book? Go Print It Yourself". T.T

Thereafter I walk all the way to Albert Centre Market & Food Centre to meet up with dear to have our dinner together. And so as usual we kinda over order again whenever we are here cos there are just way too many nice food over here that we want to eat all at once hehe :p

My all time favourite Chicken Claypot Rice ^_^

Couldn't order mix over here so we kinda ordered 2 plates :p

Yea I get to have Tao Suan for dessert. I love childhood desserts :)

Hmm... I realised that me and dear old liao hehe cos we can't stay out till very late nowadays and we just seems to wanna sleep way too fast :p We are pig pig de lalala

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year to everyone :)

Lalala I'm so happy because it's a Public Holiday today and we get to rest at home instead of heading off to work, though I would appreciate it more if I wasn't down with a running nose, sore throat, and a aching body :( 

I'm always blessed to have dear by my side whenever I am down with sickness cos she will be there to take care of me :) lalala Had Vegetarian Bee Hoon for breakfast today, my forever favourite item for breakfast; best if there's soya bean to go with it hehe.

- Wearing our couple watches out today -

I am already so sick but I just really really wanted to head out for a walk and have our dinner together no matter what cos it's a Public Holiday T.T Head over to Serangoon NEX Mall for our dinner at Chicken Hotpot ^_^ Yummy Yummy dinner for us tonight, followed by a walk around the mall seeing toys and clothes and I'm a happy man hehe :p