Monday 12 January 2015

Chilli Crab at House of Seafood

It's been awhile since I update our love love blog le ever since the launch of IL by the company which left me really really tired from work by the time we got home. The girlfriend have been down with sickness and we been having dinner with taste level close to zero which pretty much sums up how we been living our life lately. Jeez we need a break. 

And so after seeing that Groupon is having a good deal at House of Seafood, we purchase it without much hesitation. Lalala finally I can bring the beloved girlfriend to eat some nice food :) And so we bought my mum along, as well as the two naughty girls Yoda and Tessa as we set off to House of Seafood at Punggol End. 

Initially I didn't wanna bring the furry kids along but then how can I resist when dear gave me that look. <3 Called up House of Seafood to check and I'm really surprise that they allow customers to bring dogs to their outdoor seats. Lalala I am so happy to be able to spend quality time with the girlfriend and my mum tonight, having a nice dinner over the nice scenery and just enjoy the breeze :) 

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