Saturday 3 January 2015

Picnic Saturdate

Lalala today is a very happy Saturday for me even though I am still down with flu and cough. Dear and me are going to bring my mum and the two doggies out for picnic at East Coast Park today :) I was so afraid that it'll rain today that I kept on going in to check on the weather forecast. Sometimes you really wish this kinda "forecast" are as accurate as possible. I really wanna bring dear out to picnic today cos she was so excited and so looking forward to it since last night when we talk about it. 

Took the car as we set off to East Coast Park together with my mum, Tessa, Yoda and Xiao Xiao Brown too lalala :) Managed to settled down at a comfortable area between two huge trees for shelter. Perfect location for us plus it's so windy over here. We are so lucky that there was only a passing rain while we are here else my mum will be so disappointed that she wasn't able to take photos of the beach. 

I like to see how dear dear fly the kite up into the sky as she keeps on running and running to keep it afloat into the sky :) lalala can see that my mum is so happy today too that she can finally come to the beach and enjoy the breeze as she mentioned previously that it's been a long time since her last visit here. I feel so Yi Kai today too ^_^

Xiao Xiao Brown joining us for picnic today

Yoda spending some alone time with Xiao Xiao Brown

Yoda still looking "fresh" before we bring her to walk around

My Mum with Yoda

Help!! My hair are all messed up here

Afterwhich we head back home and dear actually showered for both Tessa and Yoda. Thank you dear dear for helping me to give them their well deserved shower and making them the happiest doggies today. As for me, I went to clean up my naughty Loopie's cage and also clean up both of my fish tanks in the house. Phew I really think that we are living in a mini zoo here at Hougang. Dear even cook dinner for both Tessa and Yoda today too. Xing Ku Xing Ku dear dear le. 

And so before we could even stop to rest, we have to prepare to set off for dinner. Lalala we are bringing my mum out for Zhu Cao at Serangoon North Neighbourhood tonight.

Lalala me so Yi Kai cos I can see that mum really enjoy it alot since she likes Zhu Cao for dinner and she get to head to the beach today. Today is really a very very happy day for all of us.

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