Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year to everyone :)

Lalala I'm so happy because it's a Public Holiday today and we get to rest at home instead of heading off to work, though I would appreciate it more if I wasn't down with a running nose, sore throat, and a aching body :( 

I'm always blessed to have dear by my side whenever I am down with sickness cos she will be there to take care of me :) lalala Had Vegetarian Bee Hoon for breakfast today, my forever favourite item for breakfast; best if there's soya bean to go with it hehe.

- Wearing our couple watches out today -

I am already so sick but I just really really wanted to head out for a walk and have our dinner together no matter what cos it's a Public Holiday T.T Head over to Serangoon NEX Mall for our dinner at Chicken Hotpot ^_^ Yummy Yummy dinner for us tonight, followed by a walk around the mall seeing toys and clothes and I'm a happy man hehe :p

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