Friday 31 October 2014

TGIF for me; not for her

It's TGIF for me today but not so for dear because she still got to attend the CS Team Building tomorrow at the Hilton Hotel from morning all the way till 5pm. Meet up with dear over at Bugis Junction as we had our dinner at the coffeeshop behind to have Fish Ball Noodles ^_^ I love the fish cake over cos of the crispy skin at the side of it. 

It's Dessert time :)
Dessert at Honeymoon Dessert

Walk around at Bugis Junction and Bugis Plus before heading over to Clarke Quay since dear never been here during the Halloween period before. So many people are dressed to the likes of Mario, Luki (Thor's brother), Zombies, with some simply putting on lighted devil horns or masks. We're both so tired when it's only 10pm that we just wanna lay in bed the moment we got home. zzZZ...

Tuesday 28 October 2014

My girlfriend is sick :(

Dear seems to be falling sick quite frequent nowadays with her either catching a flu bug or stomach upset :( Me don't want her to fall sick, me want her to be healthy like how she used to be. 

Today dear get to come down to Tampines cos someone took MC. Me so Yi Kai, hope more of them does that hehe. Was walking around after having my lunch and couldn't shake my head off of dear having an upset stomach. Saw this cute little warmer bear at TopShop and got it for her so that I can heat it up and place it over her stomach to ease the pain a little. 

Hope dear dear like it :) Must get well soon de. Went back home together today lalala ^_^ Bought some vegetables from below my house and cook up a dish or two and porridge for dear to munch in at home cos she is sick de.

- Simple Home Cooked Food for the Girlfriend -

Saturday 25 October 2014

Free & Easy 1 Day trip to Legoland from Singapore

It's a beautiful Saturday with the sun above us as we set off on our one day trip to Legoland at Johor Bahru ^_^ Lalala Xiao Xiao Brown, YiXin, Yiyon and Keke Lele is joining us today too. Lalala I am so yi kai hehe..

So this is a summary of the journey we took to go from Serangoon to Legoland ^_^

We took the Circle Line (CC) from Serangoon MRT (CC13) Station towards the direction of Harbourfront, and alight 9 stops later at Buona Vista MRT (EW21/CC22), and then we transfer from Circle Line to the East West Line (EW) and alight 3 stops later at Jurong East MRT (EW24).Yeah finally we are at Jurong East, which means we are probably just 1 hour plus away from arriving at Legoland. 

So when we got off from Jurong East MRT Station, we head over to the Bus Interchange which is just beside and wait for the bus (CW3 / CW4) to enter into Tuas Checkpoint. So, each of us have to pay SGD$4 to go from here to Tuas Checkpoint which will takes about 20 minutes journey. 

So once me and dear, and xiao xiao brown, yixin, yiyon and keke lele cleared the Singapore Custom at Tuas Checkpoint, we will then take back the same bus to enter into Malaysia Checkpoint. After we cleared the Malaysia Checkpoint too, there are a number of buses there going to different places so it's always good to ask around with the driver to see which buses are going into Legoland. So, we took the bus SL1 which cost RM2 per person to go straight to Legoland :) 

Lalala and here we are at the Legoland just 20 minutes of journey from the Malaysia Checkpoint.

Project X Technic Test Site Roller Coaster

Hehe me and dear dear so cute cute de. We both have a fear of heights and by right roller coaster are not meant for us but we are always coming back for it, and only to regret when the ride starts to move off. T.T Dear Dear zui funny de keep shout non-stop when the roller coaster already at the top and not moving very fast. Hehe me still keep asking her to look at the water theme park since we are so at the top now :p

LEGO Star Wars Miniland

I am so impressed by how they even use blocks of Lego to build what seems like a Lego empire and the battle field between the good and evil. Nicely done indeed :) Lalala I bought two Starwars Magnet too. Lalala I am so happy today, spending my time here at Legoland with my girlfriend hehe ^_^

Lego Kingdoms
- Me taking an afternoon nap and dear taking a photo with the lazy guard -

And so after looking at how scary The Dragon roller coaster ride is, we decide to just go for the Dragon's Apprentice roller coaster ride which is not as scary as the former. At least it's not so high up into the air.

Remote Control Boat
- My girlfriend is the driver for the Remote Boat -

 - Us taking a selfie on the Remote Boat ride -

- Us taking a short break under the trees cos it's just too hot over here at the Legoland -

 World Landmarks in MiniLand

Somehow this is one of the best photo we had together with the KL Twin Tower as compared to the one we took at the actual location in Kuala Lumpur haha

My beloved girlfriend with the Twin Tower (Kuala Lumpur)

LEGO Choo Choo Train
Choo Choo... Let's embark on the Lego Choo Choo Train to tour around the Legoland ^_^ Can't help but feeling so blissful to have dear right by my side in my life. If life is like taking a train, I am glad I board this train with you, that I never wanna alight from :)

- Photo of us with Xiao Xiao Brown, KeKe LeLe, Yixin and Yiyon -

LEGO Aquazone Wave Racers
Our final ride of the day is at the Aquazone Wave Racer which made us wet from the ride. It's actually very fun as the ride allows us to race round & round in circles and avoiding the huge wave of water coming down at us :) *No photos taken though*

And so after spending about 4 hours at Legoland, and dear getting heatstroke over there, we are already to leave the place. Although I think that Legoland still needs plenty of improvement over its ride and the way the park is presented to tourists, I will be back here again to visit the unfinished rides at the Lost Kingdom Adventure, Land of Adventure and Imagination.

Friday 24 October 2014

AIA Singapore Dinner & Dance 2014

AIA Singapore Dinner & Dance for 2014 is here :)

Tonight's theme for the Dinner & Dance is Hollywood, and many of the staffs are dressed to impressed. There are those who dressed as Hollywood "Red Carpet"style with the ladies in black dresses and the gentlemen suited up in blazers, as well as those who dressed to the liking of their superheros or movie characters. 

What I love about Dinner & Dance is that we get to off work at 12:30pm and thereafter head back home to rest or either to prepare for the evening. Lalala me and dear meet up over at Serangoon NEX Mall as we had our lunch over at Chicken Hotpot ^_^ Yummy Yummy food yet again. 

Head back home to rest before we head over to Suntec Convention Hall for our Dinner & Dance :) Lalala yet another year of Dinner & Dance together as a couple in the same company. How I wish things will always stay the same, but then again we all have to move some day. 

Me and my beloved girlfriend <3

Took this photo by myself hehe

Thursday 23 October 2014

Deepavali - Public Holiday = Rest Day :)

It's a rest day for everyone today
Happy Deepavali to all my Indian friends out there :)

Feeling so Yi Kai today because we don't have to work on a mid week since it's a Public Holiday today. We can sleep till the late morning without having the need for an alarm to wake us up for work :) 

Went opposite to buy McDonald's for our breakfast before we head out in the afternoon to collect the Line Friends Smartphone Holder that I have pre-order via Instagram from LineMerchandise. Lalala finally got hold of the Line Friends merchandise ^_^ Yet another add-on to our collections. 

Went over to Lucky Plaza to have our lunch at Ayam Penyet Ria. We just simply love the Ayam Penyet here as compared to the other restaurant with similar name (Ayam Penyet President), because it's so much better in every way. 

After having our lunch me and dear went over to Takashimaya to look at the many collections of Sylvanian Families toys again. There was a huge house selling at S$150.00 which comes with a car too. Dear Dear is so cute looking at it like she gonna grab it straight from the shelf and make payment straight away hehe. And so we took off to Marina Square thinking that we have the Kiddy Palace membership which will gives us 10% discount but little did we know that the Kiddy Palace there is such a small outlet. 

- My cute cute dear dear outside the Mr Bean shop -

See what we got eventually from NEX Mall Kiddy Palace ^_^ lalala new garden for our Sylvanian Families to plant their food and decorate their house with hehe. So Yi Kai again le.. 

Monday 20 October 2014

Sylvanian BBQ Day

It's a rather lazy day to wake up to since it's a Monday. I find it hard to even get up from my bed and head to work. I guess it's the same for our little Sylvanian too.


I guess the Sylvanian got a better idea to chase the Monday blues away, and that is to declare today as a BBQ day for the Sylvanian family. With all the ingredients prepared, they are all set and ready to indulge in a happy BBQ session with the rest of the Sylvanian as well as Brown and Sally from the LINE family. Lalala

Little Sylvanian cooking satay and fish

- Sylvanians having their BBQ corn and Burger for lunch -

- Little Brown trying his luck to see if there's any "special" food in the picnic basket -

Sunday 19 October 2014

It's a Happy Sunday - 7 Seater Car for Sylvanian

Lalala today I get to have my weekly Curry Chicken Beehoon for breakfast over at Kovan Food Centre together with dear again :) Hehe I am a Happy Man. Went back home to rest on a lazy Sunday with dear. Me like to see dear dear play game for awhile then jiu fell asleep so fast on the bed de hehe.. 

Went over to Kovan for our dinner over at the Nakhon Kitchen (BLK 212 Hougang Street 21 #01-341). In my opinion, Nakhon Kitchen serves one of the best Thai food you can possibly find in Singapore, and it really put restaurants like Thai Express or Bali Thai to shame. And that explains why people are always willing to form a human chain queuing for as long as 20 minutes before they eventually get seated down. Kudos to Nakhon Kitchen for serving Singaporeans nice Thai food at affordable prices that never fails to satisfy our cravings for Thai food ^_^

Make our way over to Serangoon NEX Mall for a walk first before our Sunday ended. Dear always know that I like to go out so she'll always ask me if I wanna head out to places like NEX Mall NTUC to walk walk :) I love her so much for being so understanding.

Lalala we got a new 7-Seater Car and the roof rack with picnic set for our Sylvanian families. More items for them to decorate their house with, and with the car now they'll be able to head out to get their daily needs lo ^_^

- New Family 7-Seater Car for our Sylvanian Families -

- Bringing everyone our for a drive around the neighbourhood -

- Mini Brown with Sally checking out the new picnic basket -

- It's time for Picnic -

Our New Collection - The Sylvanian Families

We're taking a long long journey of train ride from Ang Mo Kio MRT Station all the way to Jurong East MRT Station today to meet up with Valerie and Danielle for lunch and to try our luck to see if there are any stocks available for the 64GB Apple i-Phone 6 plus. So sad that there wasn't any stocks for now, and the staffs are not known on when the next batch of stocks will be coming in too T.T

I just love the 麻辣 hotpot over at the JEM KouFu Food court. We ordered so many ingredients and yet its still way cheaper than the one at Serangoon NEX Mall. Can't wait to be back here to have the 麻辣 Hotpot for lunch again. *Slurp Slurp*

Yea we had Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins too and I have the waffle cone and 2 scoops of ice cream all to myself. #FatDieMe but its really so nice so how can I resist not ordering that hehe. Lalala me is Xiao Chan Zui :p

Went over to Orchard Road for a walk with dear and the moment we are over at Takashimaya,  we are so hooked to the cute Sylvanian Family set again due to the cute little animals and furniture. And so without much of a hesitation, dear bought the Log Cabin and the little furnitures along to set up the warm and cozy home for our brown brown bears.

- Our Sylvanian Families with Brown and Sally visiting them -

Saturday 18 October 2014

A Relaxed Friday

Lalala and so the happiest thing that I look forward to everyday is to see my girlfriend after a long dreadful day at work. Always wanna get out of the office fast and rush over to where ever we are meeting over to see her fast :) 

Went to Bugis to meet dear before we settled down over at Poulet to have our dinner. Our first time trying out Poulet after seeing on many occasions of people having their dinner here with erm.. nothing but roasted spring full/half chicken on their table. Well, I guess you just got to try every little food to know how they actually taste like (though we kinda regretted not having the Claypot or Korean hotpot for dinner instead) :p

I feel really relax when dear is by my side :) lalala dear always seems to make me smile in every little things that she do too. Hen Xing Fu :) Yea we have more add on for our LINE merchandises again since BHG is having sales over here. 

- LINE Friends Stamp Chops -

- LINE Brown and Cony water bottle bags -

Sunday 12 October 2014

Cafe Hopping @ Paw Pet-radise

I start to lose count the number of times we've been here with the doggies Yoda and Tessa. We just keep coming back for their food that never fails to disappoint us, not even a single time. The chef really deserve a thumbs up for the quality food that are offered to the customers, as well as our furry friends :)
Tessa introducing to you the Cafe's main food for our furry friends :)

- Mutton Pumpkin Stew with Brown Rice & Pork Meat Balls -

- The Spicy Drumplets that are definitely on par with the ones at Pizza Hut -

- Never leave the place without trying the Crispy Mid Wings -

My Mushroom Pasta with White Sauce *Yummy Yummy*

- Tomyum Seafood Pasta is one of the must try dishes -

- Baked Salmon with Fries & Wedges -

- The beloved girlfriend :) -

- My mum and Yoda -

- Dear with Tessa and Yoda -

- Yoda and Me :) -

After our heavy brunch, we drove the doggies to Punggol Promenade for a walk to enjoy the outdoors before heading back home when the sun gets too hot. Sometimes I think they are like little kids who got so bored from staying at home, so we have the responsibility to bring them out for a walk as and when we can ^_^

Lalala we managed to get the LINE Friends de Brown cup from the 7-Eleven at the Shell Petrol Kiosk by buying the Slurpee ^_^ Our Brown is looking at it lo hehe :)