Sunday 19 October 2014

It's a Happy Sunday - 7 Seater Car for Sylvanian

Lalala today I get to have my weekly Curry Chicken Beehoon for breakfast over at Kovan Food Centre together with dear again :) Hehe I am a Happy Man. Went back home to rest on a lazy Sunday with dear. Me like to see dear dear play game for awhile then jiu fell asleep so fast on the bed de hehe.. 

Went over to Kovan for our dinner over at the Nakhon Kitchen (BLK 212 Hougang Street 21 #01-341). In my opinion, Nakhon Kitchen serves one of the best Thai food you can possibly find in Singapore, and it really put restaurants like Thai Express or Bali Thai to shame. And that explains why people are always willing to form a human chain queuing for as long as 20 minutes before they eventually get seated down. Kudos to Nakhon Kitchen for serving Singaporeans nice Thai food at affordable prices that never fails to satisfy our cravings for Thai food ^_^

Make our way over to Serangoon NEX Mall for a walk first before our Sunday ended. Dear always know that I like to go out so she'll always ask me if I wanna head out to places like NEX Mall NTUC to walk walk :) I love her so much for being so understanding.

Lalala we got a new 7-Seater Car and the roof rack with picnic set for our Sylvanian families. More items for them to decorate their house with, and with the car now they'll be able to head out to get their daily needs lo ^_^

- New Family 7-Seater Car for our Sylvanian Families -

- Bringing everyone our for a drive around the neighbourhood -

- Mini Brown with Sally checking out the new picnic basket -

- It's time for Picnic -

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