Saturday 18 October 2014

A Relaxed Friday

Lalala and so the happiest thing that I look forward to everyday is to see my girlfriend after a long dreadful day at work. Always wanna get out of the office fast and rush over to where ever we are meeting over to see her fast :) 

Went to Bugis to meet dear before we settled down over at Poulet to have our dinner. Our first time trying out Poulet after seeing on many occasions of people having their dinner here with erm.. nothing but roasted spring full/half chicken on their table. Well, I guess you just got to try every little food to know how they actually taste like (though we kinda regretted not having the Claypot or Korean hotpot for dinner instead) :p

I feel really relax when dear is by my side :) lalala dear always seems to make me smile in every little things that she do too. Hen Xing Fu :) Yea we have more add on for our LINE merchandises again since BHG is having sales over here. 

- LINE Friends Stamp Chops -

- LINE Brown and Cony water bottle bags -

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