Tuesday 7 October 2014

Danielle's 6th Birthday

Today is Danielle's 6 years old Birthday celebration at Ridout Tea Garden McDonald's ^_^

Today is a Public Holiday because it's the Hari Raya Haji yesterday ^_^ Lalala me so happy cos we don't have to wake up early for work. Went over to Danielle's birthday party at McDonald's, she seems so happy in her Frozen costume today :) 

So many of her friends are here to celebrate her birthday for her today too. It's so cute when you see every little one of them gathering together at the small tables and chairs to have their food and play games together :)

Us being silly and having fun :)

Dear with the cute little boy hehe :)

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 So Happy to see Danielle smile until so happy today :")

Danielle with her new Barbie trolley bag from us :)

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