Friday 3 October 2014


Dear Dear is having the last exam for her degree course in the morning today. Finally we are all done with this degree thingy once & for all. I believe dear sure can make it de :) I really miss having dear here at Tampines where she used to be stationed here, and we can always have lunch together. Went over to ToysRus to try and get the LINE de Brown from the Capsules Vending Machine for the last time. Tada I got it ^_^ Feeling so Yi Kai now.

- Can't wait to show this to dear -

I couldn't wait for work to end faster so I can meet up with dear and show the LINEFriends de Brown to dear. Meet up with dear over at Bugis as we head over to the hawker opposite the Guan Yin Temple for our dinner. Yummy Yummy Claypot Chicken Rice for us :) 

Lalala Yi Kai to walk around BHG with dear to look at all the LINEFriends de merchandises here and took alot of photos too. Thereafter we head back home as we're both pretty tired. 

I would have bring him home if it isn't for the expensive price tag of SGD$169.95

Brown finally reunite with the rest of his LINEFriends :)

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