Saturday 11 October 2014

Raymond & Yuki Wedding 11 Oct 2014

Saturday is here again :) Me and dear went to Kovan Hawker Centre for my weekly dose of Curry Chicken Beehoon ^_^ Yummy Yummy. Managed to get my Feng Yun comic today and had ice cream from McDonald as well. 

Went back home as dear fall into a deep sleep but I just refuse to even rest my eyes for a bit cos it's a Saturday. #BuYaoSuiJiao After that dear went back home to prepare before I go fetch her as we head over to her friend Raymond & Yuki LiHui's wedding at the Amara Hotel @ Tanjong Pagar. Today my dear dear dress until so mei mei again le hehe lalala *shy shy*

On my way to fetch my girlfriend

It's always so xing fu to see another couple tying the knot and swore to live the rest of their life together as husband and wife ^_^ So Yi Kai de.. Me want to take care of dear all my life too.

 Me and Dear de selfie before we enter the hall room

Us with the newly wed couple Raymond & Yuki Zi Hui

Me and my dear dear :)

A group photo of us with the newly wed couple

After the wedding dinner is ending and we're both still pretty much awake and not forgetting that today is a Saturday therefore The Night Is Still Young :) We head over to Starbucks at East Coast Park Big Splash to relax over a cup of Mocha Frappuccino before heading back home.


Yea when we got home Yiyon is almost dry from the shower I gave to her this afternoon. Now Yiyon is so clean and she smell so nice lo lalala. No more big big hole at Yiyon neck too after sewing her up ^_^ Lalala me so Yi Kai..

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