Tuesday 28 October 2014

My girlfriend is sick :(

Dear seems to be falling sick quite frequent nowadays with her either catching a flu bug or stomach upset :( Me don't want her to fall sick, me want her to be healthy like how she used to be. 

Today dear get to come down to Tampines cos someone took MC. Me so Yi Kai, hope more of them does that hehe. Was walking around after having my lunch and couldn't shake my head off of dear having an upset stomach. Saw this cute little warmer bear at TopShop and got it for her so that I can heat it up and place it over her stomach to ease the pain a little. 

Hope dear dear like it :) Must get well soon de. Went back home together today lalala ^_^ Bought some vegetables from below my house and cook up a dish or two and porridge for dear to munch in at home cos she is sick de.

- Simple Home Cooked Food for the Girlfriend -

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