Thursday 9 October 2014

SM Crashing Down

Stupid BUS 317 Strategic Management exam result came out today, but I know about it through my constant refreshing of the Student Portal and not through the school. It seems the school have been lacking in it's customer service yet again, and focusing more on their money generating advertising that will encourage a new inflow of students. 

Felt so angry to see the result displaying SN 49 marks, meaning I fail the supplementary exam. I am so near to graduation and this had to happen to me. Not forgetting that this unit was taught by that lecturer Mr. Jack Ng who is good at nothing but read from the slides for his weekly 3 hours lecture with us. Wouldn't expect anyone with that kinda intelligence level to award us with a high mark for our assignments or presentation, and we are so right about that. My marks breakdown of this unit for my assignments are the worse of all compared to the other subjects.

Individual Assignment on Costco: 11 / 20
SAVED Presentation: 7 / 15
Team Management Report: 13 / 25
Total: 31 / 60

With the first half of my results at 31 marks, I thought scoring 19 marks for the final exam should not be a problem and guess what, I didn't even achieve that?!?!? This is the first time I actually got low marks for my assignments, and now the final exam. Felt really down when I saw the result today. 

- Shit Happens but Life Goes On -

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