Saturday 28 February 2015

Family Reunion Dinner

Woke up earlier today but feeling so happy knowing that I am going to the wet market with the girlfriend and my mum today to get the ingredients for tonight's steamboat. Lalala my mum is so happy that we are having breakfast together too. I am so happy to go "marketing" with my mum and my girlfriend today, look at how cute she is pulling the trolley hehe.

My cute cute girlfriend and my mum

Lalala went over to my grandparents house so that dear can Bai Nian with them :) We been together for almost 2 years and this is the first time dear dear Bai Nian with my Ah Gong Ah Ma de lalala. Me so Yi Kai to see them talk to each other and smiling so happily de hehe.

The Picture that made me so happy :)

I feel so happy happy today ^_^ Now it's time for our nice nice de Yuan Yang Steamboat dinner of Ma La soup and Chicken soup de. Today de dinner so nice nice ^_^

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Revisit to the River Hongbao 2015

I am feeling very happy today, and it's because my girlfriend is bringing my mum to the River Hongbao for a walk after hearing how many years it had been since she last went to such places. Lalala my girlfriend is so thoughtful that she made me smile to myself all the time just thinking about her while I am in class tonight.

I am so happy that I want to be with them after seeing how sweet they look together after she sent me a photo of them at the River Hongbao. Lalala :) So excited that I took a cab down to the River Hongbao to be with them :) My mum seems to be so happy today :)

Monday 23 February 2015

River Hongbao 2015

I am so happy that my girlfriend is finally back to my side after not seeing her for up to a week during the Chinese New Year period when she went back to her hometown at Batu Pahat. Lalala so happy to meet up with the girlfriend after a long day at work as we head over to the River Hongbao to take photos of all the nice nice lantern decorations of the Chinese Horoscope as well as eat alot of yummy food :)

Bought the 喜羊羊 floating balloon for the girlfriend. Look at how happy she is lalala


Saturday 21 February 2015

CNY Visiting

Happy Lunar New Year
It's a yearly affair for me to plan the Chinese New Year visiting to some of my former teachers who taught me back in Secondary School. To be honest, I am really disappointed with the turnout of this gathering every year because there are bound to have some of the people who simply do not put in effort in meeting up by coming up with their own excuses year after year. Sometimes I wonder, what's the point of organizing or even asking when people simply do not care. 
First Stop: Like always, our 1st stop will always be at Mr Ng house over at Hougang area since majority of us kinda stays around this area too. It's really good to catch up with the teacher every year because we always have things to talk about, be it the good old days or the life that everyone is living now.

Second Stop: Well, it seems every year we will always be late to Ms Lim house after we overrun the timing at Mr Ng house. I am really happy for those who put in effort to meet up once a year during the Chinese New Year period. It's really obvious that MsLim is kind of disappointed that some of the people always did not turn up. 

I miss the girlfriend, wish she can join us.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Chinese New Year Day 1

- Happy Lunar New Year Everyone -

The significant thing about spending day 1 of the Chinese New Year are always the same in Singapore, or perhaps majority of the world where almost every shops are closed. I can't even find a decent place to get any food to eat other than the infamous McDonald's that is just opposite my house. Zzzz... Getting food alone pretty much sucks considering the fact that everywhere I look, there will always be a big group of families wearing their new Ang Gong Gong clothes to go visiting or buying food together. 

How I wish my sha gua dear dear is beside me now

And so with the dampen mood and laziness in me, I did not start on my assignment as I planned to do so during the long holidays. God am I so lazy :( And so I got up to play with the LEGO figurines instead and pray that time will passed by faster this way. My mother have to work on the first day of Chinese New Year and so our visiting was to be tomorrow. I am really angry with the brother for telling me he is going over to my grandparents house when he is about to close the door, and did not ask me whether I wanted to go over at all. I guess sometimes I can really do without such human beings in my life.

I miss the girlfriend.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Chinese New Year Eve

Zzzz... I really do not like Chinese New Year at all considering the fact that it was always so boring and dull in my family. Zzz...

Meet up with the colleagues for breakfast today over at Starbucks @ Tampines Mall. Hmm, ordered the Turkey Ham, Egg White & Cheddar Sandwich breakfast at S$6.90 which comes together with the Cappuccino. Well, it's not something I would usually recommend for a big eater like myself :p

Although it's gonna be just half day for everyone today, but I really can't feel the Chinese New Year atmosphere at all year after year. So boring... How I wish I can be with the girlfriend now. Bu Li Li..

And so after the work ended, I head over to Bugis Junction for my lunch as well as source around for a new pair of shoes. I can't believe that I actually travel from Bugis to Dhoby Ghaut and back to Bugis before I finally got my hands on a new pair of shoes that cost over $130 T.T why are guys shoes so expensive these days? :(

I miss the girlfriend so much. 
Reunion Dinner just isn't the same with an incomplete family.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Xiao Brown 和 Cony 的距离

It's Tuesday T.T It felt so hard to go through the day knowing that the girlfriend is going back tonight as her parents come over to fetch her. Thinking about it the whole day :( A total of 6 days... So happy when it's finally 5.30pm as I faster get out of the office and took the MRT to Paya Lebar to wait for the girlfriend to come over so that we can see each other for awhile before she went to meet up with her parents. Although it's only for awhile but I am really very happy. 

- The distance between us -

 - The torturing 6 days to go -

Monday 16 February 2015


It's supposed to be just another Monday today but it isn't because the girlfriend will be going back to her hometown at Malaysia tomorrow T.T I totally don't feel like working at all too. Can't wait to get back home to see the girlfriend tonight. May the day end faster. 

Lalala meet up with the girlfriend to buy the ingredients as she wants to cook me a delicious dinner again. I can't wait to eat lo :) The delicious Tom Yum Bee Hoon with alot of my favourite food :) Yummy Yummy Yummy hehe.

 This is my 幸福的米粉

Sunday 15 February 2015

Song Kee Fishball Noodle

The weekend is coming to an end way too soon and I really dislike that because the girlfriend will be leaving Singapore for Malaysia on Tuesday T.T Sunday, please don't let time passes by so fast. Head over to Serangoon NEX Mall for a walk with the girlfriend today because I just don't wish to sleep out the whole day.

Decided to try out the Song Kee Fishball Noodle after driving pass Upp Serangoon Road countless times and seeing the long queues outside of the shop. Lucky it's just a 5 minutes walk to Song Kee from Serangoon MRT, though I think it will be good if we can ride on the ZoomAir instead of walking over :p

Sourced from the internet that Song Kee actually operates from 7pm onwards, however there are way too many comments stating that they actually took their own time to open the shop every single time. Well, I guess we have the first hand experience now!! Can't believe we stood out here from 6.50pm all the way till 7.20pm before they actually open the shop.

I was so hungry when the shop finally decides to open its door to us, way too hungry that we actually ordered so many items hehe :p I always seems to make us order alot of food, even today hehe. Ordered a big bowl of MeePok Dry ($5), a small bowl of Mee Kia Dry ($4) and a mixed bowl ($6) which contains so many things :) Yummy Yummy but I think the soup taste kinda bland though.

After our dinner, me and dear head back to get the car and set off to IKEA Tampines for a walk :) Loving the company with the girlfriend by my side all these while. So happy while walking around IKEA with the girlfriend as we talk about how our future home would look like in the near future as well as the life we want :)

- Loving the girlfriend -

Saturday 14 February 2015

Our Valentine Together

We're celebrating another year of our Valentines' Day together now and I really want it to be everlasting. I can't wait to live my whole life with the girlfriend and for us to have a home of our own.

I really cannot live my life without the girlfriend by my side and I never want for this day to come. I would rather run a 1000 miles to get to her then having to see her going further and further away from me. I love you alot.

Had our Valentines' Day dinner over at Kiseki Restaurant @ Orchard Central once again. I really love the food here, plus the soya bean is really nice too hehe. My girlfriend is so going to kill me if I say that again, because who else will spend almost $50 and kept on talking about the cheapest thing on the menu instead of the expensive items.

I feel so blissful and Yi Kai to have dear by my side, and I really never want to lose her at all. 

Walk around town area with the girlfriend trying to see if there's any shirt for me to buy for Chinese New Year. Lalala I got a very nice and new shirt from Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) and the girlfriend got it from me. Like the shirt so much that I kept looking at it ^_^

Friday 13 February 2015

Fat Die Supper Time

Friday used to a happy day except that ever since school terms starts, it isn't so anymore T.T Why do I even have class on a Friday when just about everyone is going out or staying out late for the day. Miss the girlfriend. And I really don't get how incompetent people may get nowadays, and caused people to stay back just because of their own incompetence. Sigh...

Meet up with the girlfriend after my school for late dinner over at Kovan. We decided to try out the Roti Prata at Srisun Express and God am I glad we did. To be honest when I have the first bite on the Roti Prata, I am truly amazed by how crispy the Prata was, and the curry is so nice too. And when the BeeHoon Goreng arrived on our table, I couldn't wait to try it, and it turn out to be really delicious too. We are so pampered tonight hehe :)

Thursday 12 February 2015


I am disappointed with my behavior. Sometimes I Bu Xi myself for being so impatient and short tempered that I spoil dear dear de mood :( Made dear angry and disappointed again for what I've said de. Can't help but feel so disappointed with myself over and over again. Can't sleep at all after thinking about how hurt she could have felt :(

Bu Xi Zi Ji

Wednesday 11 February 2015

A Blissful Dinner

I am a happy man today because my dearest girlfriend is cooking dinner for me lalala. Coming home seeing the girlfriend frying luncheon meat, hotdogs and crab meat for me because she knows that I always need to have some fried food to go along with my dinner :) Feel so blissful watching the girlfriend preparing all the ingredients in the kitchen and cooking dinner for us tonight :)

Our delicious Tom Yum Bee Hoon Soup with lots of my favourite fried food to go along with.

Saturday 7 February 2015


Wake up early today to head over to Tanjong Pagar for my pre-employment medical checkup while dear dear orh orh kun at home first. So cute to see her sleeping soundly as I make my way out de.

Today is the day for me to thank Guan Yin Niang Niang for her blessing to me for blessing me with the position of the Compliance Executive that I always wanted. Really so happy when I gotten the news from the HR on the confirmation of my job application. Really thankful that dear is so supportive by being by my side throughout this long and dreadful period of time and never giving up faith in me at all. 

Enjoying walking around Bugis with dear and seeing my favourite things; which is LEGO toys hehe cos they never fails to make me happy too. Head over to Vivo City for a walk with the girlfriend and shop for some Chinese New Year clothes lalala. Feel so happy to have the girlfriend by my side all these while :)

My cute cute dear dear with her Kick Scooter as we walk around the Pasar Malam

Wednesday 4 February 2015

The Final Decision

Today is the day I make my final decision to tender my resignation after working here for a total of 3 years and 6 months. This is one decision that I know I have to make in order to work towards what I want to achieve in my career as well as the future that I seek to have with dear. Really hopeful for the future ahead of me because I know dear will forever be by my side to support me no matter what :)

- I Quit Lord Vader -

Sunday 1 February 2015

LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon 7965

I'm so happy and couldn't control the excitement inside of me when the girlfriend actually told me that I will be seeing my LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon sooner than expected lalala. Hehe I couldn't stop smiling in class when she told me that she managed to contact one of the seller in the Carousell app for the Millennium Falcon. To be honest, I felt like jumping in excitement in that very instant. What dear did for me was really very sweet by contacting the seller and hoping to give me a surprise :)

I am a happy man ^_^
I am finally a proud owner of the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon

Lalala I couldn't stop smiling when I finally got hold of the Millennium Falcon for the very first time. The excitement was really too much to take, and I am actually really shy for hinting to get this for so many times in a day. Hehe look at how shy I am now *Tessa is watching :p

Really happy to finally get this rare item as they are slowly disappearing from all the major shops in Singapore.

"She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid."

The 6 cute LEGO Star Wars Mini figures that comes together with the Millennium Falcon
Left to Right: Darth Vader, Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Princess Leia

I had so much fun fixing up the LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon together with the girlfriend lalala. A total of 1238 pieces of LEGO parts that form into this beautiful Millennium Falcon from whichever angle you are looking at it from. What a beauty :)

Darth Vader: "No! I am your father."
Luke Skywalker: "No! That's not true!! That's impossible."

Darth Vader: "I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the Master."

Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Only a Master of Evil, Darth."

Rest well my friend. Rest well.