Thursday 19 February 2015

Chinese New Year Day 1

- Happy Lunar New Year Everyone -

The significant thing about spending day 1 of the Chinese New Year are always the same in Singapore, or perhaps majority of the world where almost every shops are closed. I can't even find a decent place to get any food to eat other than the infamous McDonald's that is just opposite my house. Zzzz... Getting food alone pretty much sucks considering the fact that everywhere I look, there will always be a big group of families wearing their new Ang Gong Gong clothes to go visiting or buying food together. 

How I wish my sha gua dear dear is beside me now

And so with the dampen mood and laziness in me, I did not start on my assignment as I planned to do so during the long holidays. God am I so lazy :( And so I got up to play with the LEGO figurines instead and pray that time will passed by faster this way. My mother have to work on the first day of Chinese New Year and so our visiting was to be tomorrow. I am really angry with the brother for telling me he is going over to my grandparents house when he is about to close the door, and did not ask me whether I wanted to go over at all. I guess sometimes I can really do without such human beings in my life.

I miss the girlfriend.

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