Saturday 28 February 2015

Family Reunion Dinner

Woke up earlier today but feeling so happy knowing that I am going to the wet market with the girlfriend and my mum today to get the ingredients for tonight's steamboat. Lalala my mum is so happy that we are having breakfast together too. I am so happy to go "marketing" with my mum and my girlfriend today, look at how cute she is pulling the trolley hehe.

My cute cute girlfriend and my mum

Lalala went over to my grandparents house so that dear can Bai Nian with them :) We been together for almost 2 years and this is the first time dear dear Bai Nian with my Ah Gong Ah Ma de lalala. Me so Yi Kai to see them talk to each other and smiling so happily de hehe.

The Picture that made me so happy :)

I feel so happy happy today ^_^ Now it's time for our nice nice de Yuan Yang Steamboat dinner of Ma La soup and Chicken soup de. Today de dinner so nice nice ^_^

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